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[其他] matlab数值积分的实现:时域积分和频域积分

发表于 2016-12-28 11:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Double integration of raw acceleration data is a pretty poor estimate for displacement. The reason is that at each integration, you are compounding the noise in the data.

If you are dead set on working in the time-domain, the best results come from the following steps.

Remove the mean from your sample (now have zero-mean sample)
Integrate once to get velocity using some rule (trapezoidal, etc.)
Remove the mean from the velocity
Integrate again to get displacement.
Remove the mean. Note, if you plot this, you will see drift over time.
To eliminate (some to most) of the drift (trend), use a least squares fit (high degree depending on data) to determine polynomial coefficients.
Remove the least squares polynomial function from your data.

A much better way to get displacement from acceleration data is to work in the frequency domain. To do this, follow these steps...

Remove the mean from the accel. data
Take the Fourier transform (FFT) of the accel. data.
Convert the transformed accel. data to displacement data by dividing each element by -omega^2, where omega is the frequency band.
Now take the inverse FFT to get back to the time-domain and scale your result.

This will give you a much better estimate of displacement.











  1. % 测试积分对正弦信号的作用
  2. clc
  3. clear
  4. close all
  5. % 原始正弦信号
  6. ts = 0.001;
  7. fs = 1/ts;
  8. t = 0:ts:1000*ts;
  9. f = 50;
  10. dis = sin(2*pi*f*t);
  11. % 位移
  12. vel = 2*pi*f.*cos(2*pi*f*t);
  13. % 速度
  14. acc = -(2*pi*f).^2.*sin(2*pi*f*t);
  15. % 加速度
  16. % 多个正弦波的测试
  17. % f1 = 400;
  18. % dis1 = sin(2*pi*f1*t);
  19. % 位移
  20. % vel1 = 2*pi*f1.*cos(2*pi*f1*t);
  21. % 速度
  22. % acc1 = -(2*pi*f1).^2.*sin(2*pi*f1*t);
  23. % 加速度
  24. % dis = dis + dis1;
  25. % vel = vel + vel1;
  26. % acc = acc + acc1;
  27. % 结:频域积分正常恢复信号,时域积分恢复加入的高频信息有误差
  28. % 加噪声测试
  29. acc = acc + (2*pi*f).^2*0.2*randn(size(acc));
  30. % 结:噪声会使积分结果产生大的趋势项
  31. figure
  32. ax(1) = subplot(311);
  33. plot(t, dis), title('位移')
  34. ax(2) = subplot(312);
  35. plot(t, vel), title('速度')
  36. ax(3) = subplot(313);
  37. plot(t, acc), title('加速度')
  38. linkaxes(ax, 'x');
  39. % 由加速度信号积分算位移
  40. [disint, velint] = IntFcn(acc, t, ts, 2);
  41. axes(ax(2));hold on
  42. plot(t, velint, 'r'),
  43. legend({'原始信号', '恢复信号'})
  44. axes(ax(1));hold on
  45. plot(t, disint, 'r'),
  46. legend({'原始信号', '恢复信号'})

  47. % 测试积分算子的频率特性
  48. n = 30;
  49. amp = zeros(n, 1);
  50. f = [5:30 40:10:480];
  51. figure
  52. for i = 1:length(f)
  53.     fi = f(i);
  54.     acc = -(2*pi*fi).^2.*sin(2*pi*fi*t);
  55.     % 加速度
  56.     [disint, velint] = IntFcn(acc, t, ts, 2);
  57.     % 积分算位移
  58.     amp(i) = sqrt(sum(disint.^2))/sqrt(sum(dis.^2));
  59.     plot(t, disint)
  60.     drawnow
  61. end
  62. close
  63. figure
  64. plot(f, amp)
  65. title('位移积分的频率特性曲线')
  66. xlabel('f')
  67. ylabel('单位正弦波的积分位移幅值')

% 积分操作由加速度求位移,可选时域积分和频域积分
  1. function [disint, velint] = IntFcn(acc, t, ts, flag)
  2. if flag == 1
  3.     % 时域积分
  4.     [disint, velint] = IntFcn_Time(t, acc);
  5.     velenergy = sqrt(sum(velint.^2));
  6.     velint = detrend(velint);
  7.     velreenergy = sqrt(sum(velint.^2));
  8.     velint = velint/velreenergy*velenergy;
  9.     disenergy = sqrt(sum(disint.^2));
  10.     disint = detrend(disint);
  11.     disreenergy = sqrt(sum(disint.^2));
  12.     disint = disint/disreenergy*disenergy;
  13.     % 此操作是为了弥补去趋势时能量的损失
  14.     % 去除位移中的二次项
  15.     p = polyfit(t, disint, 2);
  16.     disint = disint - polyval(p, t);
  17. else
  18.     % 频域积分
  19.     velint =  iomega(acc, ts, 3, 2);
  20.     velint = detrend(velint);
  21.     disint =  iomega(acc, ts, 3, 1);
  22.     % 去除位移中的二次项
  23.     p = polyfit(t, disint, 2);
  24.     disint = disint - polyval(p, t);
  25. end
  26. end

% 时域内梯形积分
function [xn, vn] = IntFcn_Time(t, an)
vn = cumtrapz(t, an);
vn = vn - repmat(mean(vn), size(vn,1), 1);
xn = cumtrapz(t, vn);
xn = xn - repmat(mean(xn), size(xn,1), 1);

  1. function dataout =  iomega(datain, dt, datain_type, dataout_type)
  2. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  3. %
  4. %   IOMEGA is a MATLAB script for converting displacement, velocity, or
  5. %   acceleration time-series to either displacement, velocity, or
  6. %   acceleration times-series. The script takes an array of waveform data
  7. %   (datain), transforms into the frequency-domain in order to more easily
  8. %   convert into desired output form, and then converts back into the time
  9. %   domain resulting in output (dataout) that is converted into the desired
  10. %   form.
  11. %
  12. %   Variables:
  13. %   ----------
  14. %
  15. %   datain       =   input waveform data of type datain_type
  16. %
  17. %   dataout      =   output waveform data of type dataout_type
  18. %
  19. %   dt           =   time increment (units of seconds per sample)
  20. %
  21. %                    1 - Displacement
  22. %   datain_type  =   2 - Velocity
  23. %                    3 - Acceleration
  24. %
  25. %                    1 - Displacement
  26. %   dataout_type =   2 - Velocity
  27. %                    3 - Acceleration
  28. %
  29. %
  30. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  31. %   Make sure that datain_type and dataout_type are either 1, 2 or 3
  32. if (datain_type < 1 || datain_type > 3)
  33.     error('Value for datain_type must be a 1, 2 or 3');
  34. elseif (dataout_type < 1 || dataout_type > 3)
  35.     error('Value for dataout_type must be a 1, 2 or 3');
  36. end
  37. %   Determine Number of points (next power of 2), frequency increment
  38. %   and Nyquist frequency
  39. N = 2^nextpow2(max(size(datain)));
  40. df = 1/(N*dt);
  41. Nyq = 1/(2*dt);
  42. %   Save frequency array
  43. iomega_array = 1i*2*pi*(-Nyq : df : Nyq-df);
  44. iomega_exp = dataout_type - datain_type;
  45. %   Pad datain array with zeros (if needed)
  46. size1 = size(datain,1);
  47. size2 = size(datain,2);
  48. if (N-size1 ~= 0 && N-size2 ~= 0)
  49.     if size1 > size2
  50.         datain = vertcat(datain,zeros(N-size1,1));
  51.     else
  52.         datain = horzcat(datain,zeros(1,N-size2));
  53.     end
  54. end
  55. %   Transform datain into frequency domain via FFT and shift output (A)
  56. %   so that zero-frequency amplitude is in the middle of the array
  57. %   (instead of the beginning)
  58. A = fft(datain);
  59. A = fftshift(A);
  60. %   Convert datain of type datain_type to type dataout_type
  61. for j = 1 : N
  62.     if iomega_array(j) ~= 0
  63.         A(j) = A(j) * (iomega_array(j) ^ iomega_exp);
  64.     else
  65.         A(j) = complex(0.0,0.0);
  66.     end
  67. end
  68. %   Shift new frequency-amplitude array back to MATLAB format and
  69. %   transform back into the time domain via the inverse FFT.
  70. A = ifftshift(A);
  71. datain = ifft(A);
  72. %   Remove zeros that were added to datain in order to pad to next
  73. %   biggerst power of 2 and return dataout.
  74. if size1 > size2
  75.     dataout = real(datain(1:size1,size2));
  76. else
  77.     dataout = real(datain(size1,1:size2));
  78. end
  79. return




使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-6-11 20:07 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2018-6-11 20:12 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2018-6-12 16:55 | 显示全部楼层
mxlzhenzhu 发表于 2018-6-11 20:07
数值积分有积分常数问题,很难处理。 ...



无法回复只能点评。1)能稳定不代表精确。2)你说的是模拟积分吧,我说的是数值积分,请确认。3)我能找到关于测试a无法得到v和d的理论证明。  发表于 2018-6-12 17:57
发表于 2018-6-12 18:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2021-3-17 23:46 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2021-3-18 22:44 | 显示全部楼层
为什么% 去除位移中的二次项
    p = polyfit(t, disint, 2);
    disint = disint - polyval(p, t);

发表于 2021-3-23 00:50 | 显示全部楼层
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