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2018年第二届国际航空航天工程会议(ICOAE 2018)

发表于 2017-8-16 14:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
会议名称: 2018年第二届国际航空航天工程会议
会议类型: 国际会议
论文是否检索: EI 
开始时间: 2018年1月21日
结束时间: 2018年1月23日
会议地点: 韩国首尔
主办单位: ICOAE
全文截稿时间: 2017年9月15日
联系人: Yoyo Chow
联系电话: 862886512185
电子邮件: icoae@iap.org
邮编: -
网址: http://www.icoae.org/index.html


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       2018 2nd International Conference on Aerospace Engineering will be held in Seoul, Korea during January 21-23, 2018. It aims to provide a forum for researchers, engineers and practitioners interested in the application of information, networks and communication to discourse on research and development, professional practice in related fields.

  The purpose of ICOAE 2018 is to bring authors and editors of JOACE together to communicate face to face and discuss their latest research results. And it is also the Annual Meeting of JOACE Editorial Board.


       Acoustics and Noise Control, Aerodynamics, Applied Mechanics, Automation, Mechatronics and Robotics, Automobiles, Automotive Engineering, Ballistics, Biomechanics, Biomedical Engineering, CAD/CAM/CIM, CFD, Composite and Smart Materials, Compressible Flows, Computational Mechanics, Computational Techniques

  Dynamics and Vibration, Energy Engineering and Management, Engineering Materials, Fatigue and Fracture, Fluid Dynamics, Fluid Mechanics and Machinery, Fracture, Fuels and Combustion, General mechanics, Geomechanics, Health and Safety, Heat and Mass Transfer

  HVAC, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Industrial, Mechanical, Systems Science and Engineering, Instrumentation and Control, Internal Combustion Engines, Logistics and Scheduling Machinery and Machine Design, Manufacturing and Production Processes, Manufacturing Engineering, Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Marine System Design, Material Engineering, Material Science and Processing, Mechanical Design, Mechanical Power Engineering, Mechatronics, MEMS and Nano Technology, Multibody Dynamics, Nanomaterial Engineering, New and Renewable Energy, Noise and Vibration, Noise Control, Non-destructive Evaluation, Nonlinear Dynamics

  Operations Management, PC guided design and manufacture, Plasticity Mechanics, Pollution and Environmental Engineering, Precision mechanics, mechatronics, Production Technology, Quality assurance and environment protection, Resistance and Propulsion, Robotic Automation and Control, Solid Mechanics, Structural Dynamics, System Dynamics and Simulation, Textile and Leather Technology, Transport Phenomena, Tribology, Turbulence, Vibrations, Theories, Models and Concepts

  Advanced Energy Sources, Advanced Heat Pipe Technologies, Advanced In-Space Propulsion & Power Concepts, Advanced Thermal Control Technologies, Advances in Space Propulsion, Enabling Technologies for Lunar Surface Science, Far Term Space Transport and Environment Models and Theories

  High Capacity Heat Rejection Systems, High Frequency Gravity Wave Detection, High Frequency Gravity Wave Generators, Innovative Techniques in Fusion Energy, Innovative Techniques in Nuclear Energy, Lunar In Space Resource Utilization, Lunar Lander Technologies and Design, Medical Astrosociology, Microgravity Thermophysics, New Directions in Astrophysics/Particle Physics, New Directions in Communications

  Planetary Defense and, Societal Protection, Propulsion Analysis, Sensors, Smart Materials, Space faring societies, Space policy and space law in a social context, Space Science and Technology Roadmaps, Space societies/ the settlement of space environments, Technology transfers and spinoffs, The relationship between astrosociology and astrobiology, Theories on High Frequency Gravity Waves, Thermal Control

  1. 通过投稿系统:http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icoae2018

  2. 通过邮件方式: icoae@iap.org


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