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- % Steepest Descent Method
- % By Kshitij Deshpande
- clc
- clear all
- warning off
- prompt = {'Coeficients if X1=','Coefficients of X2=','Coefficeint of X1X2=','Initial Point='};
- def = {'[2 1 0]','[1 -1 0]','2','[0 0]'};
- a=inputdlg(prompt,'Data',1,def);
- a=char(a);
- [m,n]=size(a);
- x1 = eval(a(1,1:n));x2=eval(a(2,1:n));x1x2=eval(a(3,1:n));X1=eval(a(4,1:n));
- delf1(1) = polyval(polyder(x1),X1(1));
- delf1(1) = (delf1(1))+(x1x2*X1(2));
- delf1(2) = polyval(polyder(x2),X1(1));
- delf1(2) = (delf1(2))+(x1x2*X1(1));
- s=-delf1;
- %%%%%%%%%%
- %report
- srep(1,1:2)=s;
- %%%%%%%%%%
- x1new(1)=s(1)^2;x1new(2)=2*X1(1)*s(1);x1new(3) = X1(1)^2;
- x1new=x1new*x1(1);
- x1new_(2)=x1(2)*s(1);x1new_(3)=x1(2)*X1(1);
- x1new = x1new+x1new_;
- x2new(1)=s(2)^2;x2new(2)=2*X1(2)*s(2);x2new(3) = X1(2)^2;
- x2new=x2new*x2(1);
- x2new_(2)=x2(2)*s(2);x2new_(3)=x2(2)*X1(2);
- x2new = x2new+x2new_;
- x1x2new(1)=s(1)*s(2);x1x2new(2)=X1(1)*s(2)+X1(2)*s(1);x1x2new(3)=X1(1)*X1(2);
- x1x2new=x1x2*x1x2new;
- df = polyder(x1new+x2new+x1x2new);
- lambda(1) = roots(df);
- X1=X1+lambda(1)*s;
- Xrep(1,1:2)=X1;
- delf1(1) = polyval(polyder(x1),X1(1));
- delf1(1) = (delf1(1))+(x1x2*X1(2));
- delf1(2) = polyval(polyder(x2),X1(2));
- delf1(2) = (delf1(2))+(x1x2*X1(1));
- if all(X1)== 0
- fprintf('%d %d is the optimum point',X1(1),X1(2));
- end
- itrep(1)=1;
- it=2;
- while all(delf1)==1
- s=-delf1;
- x1new(1)=s(1)^2;x1new(2)=2*X1(1)*s(1);x1new(3) = X1(1)^2;
- x1new=x1new*x1(1);
- x1new_(2)=x1(2)*s(1);x1new_(3)=x1(2)*X1(1);
- x1new = x1new+x1new_;
- x2new(1)=s(2)^2;x2new(2)=2*X1(2)*s(2);x2new(3) = X1(2)^2;
- x2new=x2new*x2(1);
- x2new_(2)=x2(2)*s(2);x2new_(3)=x2(2)*X1(2);
- x2new = x2new+x2new_;
- x1x2new(1)=s(1)*s(2);x1x2new(2)=X1(1)*s(2)+X1(2)*s(1);x1x2new(3)=X1(1)*X1(2);
- x1x2new=x1x2*x1x2new;
- df = polyder(x1new+x2new+x1x2new);
- lambda(it) = roots(df);
- X1=X1+lambda(it)*s;
- delf1(1) = polyval(polyder(x1),X1(1));
- delf1(1) = (delf1(1))+(x1x2*X1(2));
- delf1(2) = polyval(polyder(x2),X1(2));
- delf1(2) = (delf1(2))+(x1x2*X1(1));
- itrep(it)=it;
- srep(it,1:2)=s;
- Xrep(it,1:2)=X1;
- it=it+1;
- end
- [m,n]=size(itrep);
- matrix=[itrep' srep(1:n,1) srep(1:n,2) Xrep(1:n,1) Xrep(1:n,2)];
- answer = char(num2str(X1));
- answer = ['The optimal point is [' answer ']'];
- msgbox(answer,'Solution');
- disp(' Press Any key to View Detailed Report............');
- pause
- echo off
- report steep;
- clc
[ 本帖最后由 suffer 于 2006-10-9 20:37 编辑 ] |