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- C----------------------------------------------------------------------
- c main program H1DEFIR2: to test subroutine DEFIR2
- C To design FIR low-pass filter by frequency sampling method
- c Please link subroutine DEFIR2,FIRRES,AMPRES,PHARES,UNWRAP
- C----------------------------------------------------------------------
- dimension b(0:30),amp(0:255),phase(0:255)
- complex h(0:255),bcmplx(0:30)
- data l/30/,n/256/,iband/1/,iamp/0/
- data fs/1.0/,fl/0.1/,trans/0.5/
- call defir2(l,iband,fl,fh,bcmplx,trans,fs,ierror)
- write(*,*)' ierror=',ierror
- if(ierror.ne.0)stop
- do 10 i=0,l
- b(i)=real(bcmplx(i))
- write(*,*)i,b(i)
- 10 continue
- call firres(b,l,n,h)
- call ampres(h,amp,n,fs,iamp)
- call phares(h,phase,n,fs)
- stop
- end
- C----------------------------------------------------------------------
- c main program H4DEFIR2: to test subroutine DEFIR2
- C To design FIR band-stop filter by frequency sampling method
- c Please link subroutine DEFIR2,FIRRES,AMPRES,PHARES,UNWRAP
- C----------------------------------------------------------------------
- dimension b(0:40),amp(0:255),phase(0:255)
- complex h(0:255),bcmplx(0:40)
- data l/40/,n/256/,iband/4/,iamp/0/
- data fs/1.0/,fl/0.2/,fh/0.3/,trans/0.5/
- call defir2(l,iband,fl,fh,bcmplx,trans,fs,ierror)
- write(*,*)' ierror=',ierror
- if(ierror.ne.0)stop
- do 10 i=0,l
- b(i)=real(bcmplx(i))
- write(*,*)i,b(i)
- 10 continue
- open(3,file='h4hdfir2.dat',status='new')
- do 20 k=0,l
- write(3,*)k,b(k)
- close(3)
- call firres(b,l,n,h)
- call ampres(h,amp,n,fs,iamp)
- call phares(h,phase,n,fs)
- stop
- end
- subroutine defir2(l,iband,fl,fh,b,trans,fs,ierror)
- C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- C Routine DEFIR2: To design FIR filter by frequency sampling method.
- C Fl:low cut-off frequency. Fh:high cut-off(For BP,BS). fl,fh,fs in Hz
- c |--- | --- | --- |-- --
- c | | | | | | | | | |
- c | | | | | | | | | |
- c --|------ -|-------- -|----------- --|--------------
- c 0 fl 0 fl 0 fl fh 0 fl fh
- C
- C Digital filter coefficients are returned in b(l)
- c H(z)=b(0)+b(1)z^(-1)+ ... +b(L)z^(-L)
- c Input parameters:
- c L+1 : the length of FIR filter. L<200 and (L+1) must be the odd.
- c iband: iband=1 low pass FIR filter.
- c iband=2 high pass FIR filter.
- c iband=3 band pass FIR filter.
- c iband=4 band stop FIR filter.
- c trans: 0<= trans <1.0 , it is the transition point.
- c Output parameters:
- c b: (L+1) dimensioned real array.the result is in b(0) to b(L).
- c
- c in Chapter 8
- c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- complex b(0:l),h(0:200)
- npass=0
- pi=4.*atan(1.)
- fln=fl/fs
- fhn=fh/fs
- do 5 i=0,l
- h(i)=0.
- 5 continue
- ierror=0
- l=l+1
- dly=float(l)/2.
- lim=l/2
- if(dly.eq.float(lim)) ierror=1
- if(l.ge.201) ierror=2
- if(iband.ne.4) goto 6
- band=(fhn-fln)*l
- if(band.ge.4.) goto 6
- write(*,*)' Please increse the length L for Band-Stop FILTER'
- ierror=3
- 6 if(iband.lt.1.or.iband.gt.4) ierror=4
- if(fln.le.0..or.fln.gt.0.5) ierror=5
- if(iband.ge.3.and.fln.ge.fhn) ierror=6
- if(trans.lt.0.and.trans.ge.1.)ierror=7
- if(ierror.ne.0) return
- s=-(l-1)*pi/l
- go to(10,20,30,10) iband
- 10 nlow=1
- nhigh=fln*l-1
- h(0)=1.0
- do 15 i=nlow,nhigh
- h(i)=cexp(cmplx(0.0,s*i))
- h(l-i)=conjg(h(i))
- 15 continue
- h(nhigh+1)=trans*cexp(cmplx(0.0,s*(nhigh+1)))
- h(l-nhigh-1)=conjg(h(nhigh+1))
- if(iband.eq.1)goto 100
- nlow=fhn*l
- goto 21
- c
- 20 h(0)=0.0
- nlow=fln*l
- 21 nhigh=lim
- do 25 i=nlow,nhigh
- h(i)=cexp(cmplx(0.0,s*i))
- h(l-i)=conjg(h(i))
- 25 continue
- h(nlow-1)=trans*cexp(cmplx(0.0,s*(nlow-1)))
- h(l-nlow+1)=conjg(h(nlow-1))
- goto 100
- c
- 30 nlow=fln*l
- nhigh=fhn*l
- h(0)=0.0
- do 35 i=nlow,nhigh
- h(i)=cexp(cmplx(0.0,s*i))
- h(l-i)=conjg(h(i))
- 35 continue
- h(nhigh+1)=trans*cexp(cmplx(0.0,s*(nhigh+1)))
- h(l-nhigh-1)=conjg(h(nhigh+1))
- h(nlow-1)=trans*cexp(cmplx(0.0,s*(nlow-1)))
- h(l-nlow+1)=conjg(h(nlow-1))
- c
- 100 call cmpdft(h,b,l,1)
- l=l-1
- return
- end
[ 本帖最后由 VibInfo 于 2006-8-8 07:17 编辑 ] |