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[其它软件] [分享]SigmaScan ---专业的图像分析、影像量测分析软

发表于 2005-8-25 19:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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SigmaScanPro结合32位高性能提供您影像分析与量测最佳的解决方案,新版的SigmaScan Pro可在Windows 98、NT上执行,支持的影像格式有TIFF、TGA、BMP、PCX及GIF,可以直接从扫瞄器、数字相机或CD-ROM等输入,新的功能:色阶格式有16-bit、24-bit、32-bit,可以做饱和(Saturation)、门槛(thresholding)等校正之影像处理、移除及过滤不必要的对象,计算44种影像量测功能,如面积、周边长、长轴、短轴等,提供数学转换语言共有50余种函数。

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Choose From a Vast Set of Image Types and Sophisticated Enhancement Techniques
SigmaScanPro’s comprehensive list of image types ensures image compatibility-including up to 16-bit grayscale images. You can convert images todifferent types, paste or splice images from one type to another, ormodify pixel resolution while maintaining the aspect ration of theimage. The powerful Histogram Stretch option lets you sharpen thecontrast of color or grayscale images. Other enhancement techniquesallow you to correct background lighting effects, apply color templatesto grayscale images for highlighting hidden features or employmathematical filters to add, remove, erode or dilate objects on animage. Plus, SigmaScan Pro’s Image Math functions let you remove noiseand highlight features by adding, subtracting or averaging the pixelintensities of different images.

Calibrate your image then choose from 50 measurement options to get the information you need.

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Quickly Convert Images to Useful Data with Powerful Measurement Techniques
Selectfrom a library of more than 50 powerful measurement options to convertimages into analytical data. Separate, count and number up to 64,000image objects using powerful built-in algorithms and collect the datain a convenient spreadsheet where object numbers correlate tospreadsheet row numbers. Five non-destructive overlay planes allow youto collect measurements such as intensity, hue, saturation, distance,perimeter, slope, angle, area, volume, and center of masssimultaneously. Powerful edge and line tracking tools allow you toquickly outline objects and collect running measurements, so you savetime marking the desired items. Guarantee accuracy by calibratingdistance, area and intensity values.

Manipulate your data using in-cell calculations, graphs, or automatic routines such as classifying objects.

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Develop Meaningful Conclusions with Advanced Data Analysis Capabilities
Usebuilt-in column statistics to organize data and develop solidconclusions. Automatically sort and classify your measurement resultsor eliminate unwanted objects from your data. Chose from 140 worksheetfunctions to transform your data, show important relationships usingthe plot function or export files to advanced graphing packages such asSigmaPlot.

Powerful Image Analysis Tools for a Wide Range of Applications
Asa scientist, engineer or technician, you’re often faced with problemsthat are difficult to measure but easy to photograph. SigmaScan Proprovides a complete PC image solution for scientists — everything fromimage collection to data analysis. These powerful image analysis toolsserve a multitude of scientific applications, including: opticalmicroscopy, X-ray enhancement, cell counting and sorting, surfaceanalysis, particle distribution, printed circuit board inspection,surface flaw detection and isolating typographic map features. AndSigmaScan Pro offers complete compatibility; you can capture imagesfrom any TWAIN-supported device. You can open, modify and save commonimage files as such as BMP, JPEG, Mac PICT, PCX, TGA and TIFF.SigmaScan Pro is also compatible with many other file types you mayencounter, including PhotoShop PSD, EPS and RAS. Plus, SigmaScan Pro’seasy-to-use interface is designed specifically for scientists andtechnicians who don’t have the time or desire to become imaging experts— helping you quickly gain the information you need from your imagesand saving you valuable research time.

The Automatic Choice for Counting, Measuring and Analyzing your Digital Images
SigmaScanPro provides a complete image analysis package for studying thestructure and size of visual information. SigmaScan Pro’s powerfulimage analysis and data manipulation techniques transform images intoreliable statistics, understandable graphs and valuable scientificconclusions. SigmaScan Pro includes an extensive list of features thatapply to a wide range of applications:

Count bacterial cells for growth studies
Measure the area of tumor cross-sections
Determine the projected area of conifer needles
Analyze intensity bands on gels
Isolate typographic map features
Characterize microstructural flaws in steel
Any other general image measurement or analysis application

SigmaScanPro's sophisticated enhancement techniques improve image quality andremove unwanted features, optimizing the image to your specifications.A powerful library of more than 50 measurement options collects yourresults in a convenient Microsoft ® Excel spreadsheet format. Usebuilt-in column statistics, classify your data or choose from 140worksheet functions to develop meaningful conclusions. Best of all,beginners learn quickly through an intuitive interface. SigmaScan Proalso provides the power to create custom macros to automate repetitivetasks. Not a programmer? No problem. Record macros with the point andclick macro recorder. Experienced users and programmers can apply theVB-based macro language to create custom interfaces or seamlessly linkSigmaScan Pro to other applications, such as SigmaPlot.

Usethe macro language to create a custom user-interface, including dialogboxes and menu choices that help guide less experienced users throughyour application.

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SigmaScan Pro's Automation Features Save you Valuable Research Time

Executea series of steps once then apply the sequence to other images toeffortlessly perform complex analyses and data manipulation. Or, usebuilt-in macros as provided or modify them for automating tasks such ascounting and measuring objects, or splicing images.

EmploySigmaScan Pro's Online Macro Language Reference, which provides acomplete overview of all macro commands and their functions, to developpowerful macros that save valuable research time.

Access SigmaScan Pro Seamlessly
Callon SigmaScan Pro’s functionality from external sources that have VisualBasic embedded, including Microsoft Word and Excel or custom softwareapplications. For example, you can run a Visual Basic script in MS Wordor Excel that calls on SigmaScan Pro to perform image analysis tasks.SigmaScan Pro’s OLE automation provides unlimited flexibility.

Quickly Convert Images to Useful Data with Powerful Measurement Techniques

Develop Meaningful Conclusions with Advanced Data Analysis Capabilities

SigmaScan Pro's Automation Features Save you Valuable Research Time

Aerial/Satellite Photography Accurately determine areas or distances and highlight specific areas, such as roads and greenery.

Biological Sciences Quickly count and measure cells, organisms or features. apply automation to your growth studies.

ChemistryMeasure particle size and shape from microscopic slides or micrographs.Column statistics in the worksheet display your ranges automatically

Physics/Astronomy Turn astrophysical images into qualitative data and descriptive presentations.

Electron Microscopy Obtain accurate size and area measurements from video input of detailed structures.

Engineering/Manufacturing Printed circuit board design, analysis and annotation is simplified from a photo or scanned

Medical Research Apply color lookup tables to grayscale images to highlight image features that aid in your diagnosis

[ 本帖最后由 suffer 于 2007-6-29 01:46 编辑 ]

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