- function [fnormhat,t]=instfreq(x,t,L,trace);
- %INSTFREQ Instantaneous frequency estimation.
- % [FNORMHAT,T]=INSTFREQ(X,T,L,TRACE) computes the instantaneous
- % frequency of the analytic signal X at time instant(s) T, using the
- % trapezoidal integration rule.
- % The result FNORMHAT lies between 0.0 and 0.5.
- %
- % X : Analytic signal to be analyzed.
- % T : Time instants (default : 2:length(X)-1).
- % L : If L=1, computes the (normalized) instantaneous frequency
- % of the signal X defined as angle(X(T+1)*conj(X(T-1)) ;
- % if L>1, computes a Maximum Likelihood estimation of the
- % instantaneous frequency of the deterministic part of the signal
- % blurried in a white gaussian noise.
- % L must be an integer (default : 1).
- % TRACE : if nonzero, the progression of the algorithm is shown
- % (default : 0).
- % FNORMHAT : Output (normalized) instantaneous frequency.
- % T : Time instants.
- %
- % Examples :
- % x=fmsin(70,0.05,0.35,25); [instf,t]=instfreq(x); plot(t,instf)
- % N=64; SNR=10.0; L=4; t=L+1:N-L; x=fmsin(N,0.05,0.35,40);
- % sig=sigmerge(x,hilbert(randn(N,1)),SNR);
- % plotifl(t,[instfreq(sig,t,L),instfreq(x,t)]); grid;
- % title ('theoretical and estimated instantaneous frequencies');
- %
- % See also KAYTTH, SGRPDLAY.
- % F. Auger, March 1994, July 1995.
- % Copyright (c) 1996 by CNRS (France).
- %
- % ------------------- CONFIDENTIAL PROGRAM --------------------
- % This program can not be used without the authorization of its
- % author(s). For any comment or bug report, please send e-mail to
- % f.auger@ieee.org
- if (nargin == 0),
- error('At least one parameter required');
- end;
- [xrow,xcol] = size(x);
- if (xcol~=1),
- error('X must have only one column');
- end
- if (nargin == 1),
- t=2:xrow-1; L=1; trace=0.0;
- elseif (nargin == 2),
- L = 1; trace=0.0;
- elseif (nargin == 3),
- trace=0.0;
- end;
- if L<1,
- error('L must be >=1');
- end
- [trow,tcol] = size(t);
- if (trow~=1),
- error('T must have only one row');
- end;
- if (L==1),
- if any(t==1)|any(t==xrow),
- error('T can not be equal to 1 neither to the last element of X');
- else
- fnormhat=0.5*(angle(-x(t+1).*conj(x(t-1)))+pi)/(2*pi);
- end;
- else
- H=kaytth(L);
- if any(t<=L)|any(t+L>xrow),
- error('The relation L<T<=length(X)-L must be satisfied');
- else
- for icol=1:tcol,
- if trace, disprog(icol,tcol,10); end;
- ti = t(icol); tau = 0:L;
- R = x(ti+tau).*conj(x(ti-tau));
- M4 = R(2:L+1).*conj(R(1:L));
- diff=2e-6;
- tetapred = H * (unwrap(angle(-M4))+pi);
- while tetapred<0.0 , tetapred=tetapred+(2*pi); end;
- while tetapred>2*pi, tetapred=tetapred-(2*pi); end;
- iter = 1;
- while (diff > 1e-6)&(iter<50),
- M4bis=M4 .* exp(-j*2.0*tetapred);
- teta = H * (unwrap(angle(M4bis))+2.0*tetapred);
- while teta<0.0 , teta=(2*pi)+teta; end;
- while teta>2*pi, teta=teta-(2*pi); end;
- diff=abs(teta-tetapred);
- tetapred=teta; iter=iter+1;
- end;
- fnormhat(icol,1)=teta/(2*pi);
- end;
- end;
- end;
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