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光流(运动估计)经典算法Horn and Schunck算法MATLAB程序
- function [us,vs] = HSoptflow(Xrgb,n)
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % Author: Gregory Power gregory.power@wpafb.af.mil
- % This MATLAB code shows a Motion Estimation map created by
- % using a Horn and Schunck motion estimation technique on two
- % consecutive frames. Input requires.
- % Xrgb(h,w,d,N) where X is a frame sequence of a certain
- % height(h), width (w), depth (d=3 for color),
- % and number of frames (N).
- % n= is the starting frame number which is less than N
- % V= the output variable which is a 2D velocity array
- %
- % Sample Call: V=HSoptflow(X,3);
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- [h,w,d,N]=size(Xrgb)
- if n>N-1
- error(1,'requested file greater than frame number required');
- end;
- %get two image frames
- if d==1
- Xn=double(Xrgb(:,:,1,n));
- Xnp1=double(Xrgb(:,:,1,n+1));
- elseif d==3
- Xn=double(Xrgb(:,:,1,n)*0.299+Xrgb(:,:,2,n)*0.587+Xrgb(:,:,3,n)*0.114);
- Xnp1=double(Xrgb(:,:,1,n+1)*0.299+Xrgb(:,:,2,n+1)*0.587+Xrgb(:,:,3,n+1)*0.114);
- else
- error(2,'not an RGB or Monochrome image file');
- end;
- %get image size and adjust for border
- size(Xn)
- hm5=h-5; wm5=w-5;
- z=zeros(h,w); v1=z; v2=z;
- %initialize
- dsx2=v1; dsx1=v1; dst=v1;
- alpha2=625;
- imax=20;
- %Calculate gradients
- dst(5:hm5,5:wm5) = ( Xnp1(6:hm5+1,6:wm5+1)-Xn(6:hm5+1,6:wm5+1) + Xnp1(6:hm5+1,5:wm5)-Xn(6:hm5+1,5:wm5)+ Xnp1(5:hm5,6:wm5+1)-Xn(5:hm5,6:wm5+1) +Xnp1(5:hm5,5:wm5)-Xn(5:hm5,5:wm5))/4;
- dsx2(5:hm5,5:wm5) = ( Xnp1(6:hm5+1,6:wm5+1)-Xnp1(5:hm5,6:wm5+1) + Xnp1(6:hm5+1,5:wm5)-Xnp1(5:hm5,5:wm5)+ Xn(6:hm5+1,6:wm5+1)-Xn(5:hm5,6:wm5+1) +Xn(6:hm5+1,5:wm5)-Xn(5:hm5,5:wm5))/4;
- dsx1(5:hm5,5:wm5) = ( Xnp1(6:hm5+1,6:wm5+1)-Xnp1(6:hm5+1,5:wm5) + Xnp1(5:hm5,6:wm5+1)-Xnp1(5:hm5,5:wm5)+ Xn(6:hm5+1,6:wm5+1)-Xn(6:hm5+1,5:wm5) +Xn(5:hm5,6:wm5+1)-Xn(5:hm5,5:wm5))/4;
- for i=1:imax
- delta=(dsx1.*v1+dsx2.*v2+dst)./(alpha2+dsx1.^2+dsx2.^2);
- v1=v1-dsx1.*delta;
- v2=v2-dsx2.*delta;
- end;
- u=z; u(5:hm5,5:wm5)=v1(5:hm5,5:wm5);
- v=z; v(5:hm5,5:wm5)=v2(5:hm5,5:wm5);
- xskip=round(h/32);
- [hs,ws]=size(u(1:xskip:h,1:xskip:w))
- us=zeros(hs,ws); vs=us;
- N=xskip^2;
- for i=1:hs-1
- for j=1:ws-1
- hk=i*xskip-xskip+1;
- hl=i*xskip;
- wk=j*xskip-xskip+1;
- wl=j*xskip;
- us(i,j)=sum(sum(u(hk:hl,wk:wl)))/N;
- vs(i,j)=sum(sum(v(hk:hl,wk:wl)))/N;
- end;
- end;
- figure(1);
- quiver(us,vs);
- colormap('default');
- axis ij;
- axis tight;
- axis equal;
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