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楼主: faith824206


发表于 2006-11-21 07:24 | 显示全部楼层

Why am I not able to setup my Microsoft Visual Studio Add-in?

Problem Description:
I get the following error message when I setup my Microsoft Visual Studio add-in:

mbuild -setup
Warning: Could not update C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio\common\msdev98\template\MATLABWizard.awx from D:\MATLAB6P1\BIN\WIN32\MATLABWizard.awx
Warning: Could not update C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio\common\msdev98\template\MATLABWizard.hlp from D:\MATLAB6P1\BIN\WIN32\MATLABWizard.hlp
Warning: Could not update C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio\common\msdev98\addins\MATLABAddin.dll from D:\MATLAB6P1\BIN\WIN32\MATLABAddin.dll
Warning: Could not update C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\common\msdev98\bin\usertype.dat from D:\MATLAB6P1\BIN\WIN32\usertype.dat

Note: One or more components necessary to the operation of the MATLAB Visual Studio add-in could not be installed. The MATLAB Visual Studio add-in will not be available, but the rest of this setup operation will continue normally.

This problem occurs when you do not have write permission to Microsoft Visual Studio installation directory. Please ask your system administrator to install the Microsoft Visual Studio Add-In for you.

For more information on the Microsoft Visual Studio Add-In and how to install it, see technical solution 1-18L04.

How do I set up MATLAB Visual Add-in in a Microsoft Visual C/C++ environment?

Problem Description:
I would like an explanation on how to setup MATLAB Visual Add-in in a Microsoft Visual C/C++ environment.

The MATLAB Add-in for Visual Studio has been obsoleted as of the release of MATLAB 7.0 (R14). If you are using a previous release of MATLAB, read the following:

The MathWorks provides a MATLAB Add-in for the Visual Studio development system that lets you work easily within Microsoft Visual C/C++ (MSVC). However, it is not compatible with Microsoft Visual Studio .Net. The MATLAB Add-in for Visual Studio greatly simplifies using M-files in the MSVC environment. The Add-in automates the integration of M-files into Visual C++ projects. It is fully integrated with the MSVC environment.

The Add-in for Visual Studio is automatically installed on your system when you run either mbuild -setup or mex -setup and select Microsoft Visual C/C++ version 5 or 6. However, there are several steps you must follow in order to use the Add-in:

1. To build MEX-files with the Add-in for Visual Studio, run the following command at the MATLAB command prompt.

mex -setup

Follow the menus and choose either Microsoft Visual C/C++ 5.0 or 6.0. This configures Mex to use the selected Microsoft compiler and also installs the necessary Add-in files in your Microsoft Visual C/C++ directories.

2. To build stand-alone applications with the MATLAB Add-in for Visual Studio (requires the MATLAB Compiler and the MATLAB C/C++ Math Libraries), run the following command at the MATLAB command prompt.

mbuild -setup

Follow the menus and choose either Microsoft Visual C/C++ 5.0 or 6.0. This configures mbuild to use the selected Microsoft compiler and also installs the necessary add-in files into your Microsoft Visual C/C++ directories. (It is not a problem if these overlap with the files installed by the mex -setup

3. For either Mex or stand-alone support, you should also run the following commands at the MATLAB prompt.

cd(prefdir); mccsavepath;

These commands save your current MATLAB path to a file named mccpath in your user preferences directory. (Type prefdir to see the name of your user preferences directory.)

NOTE: This step is necessary because the MATLAB Add-in for Visual Studio runs outside of the MATLAB environment, so it would have no way to determine your MATLAB path. If you add directories to your MATLAB path and want them to be visible to the MATLAB Add-in, rerun the cd and mccsavepath commands shown in this step and replace prefdir with the desired pathname.

4. To configure the MATLAB Add-in for Visual Studio to work with Microsoft Visual C/C++:

a. Select Tools -> Customize from the MSVC menu.

b. Click on the Add-ins and Macro Files tab.

c. Check MATLAB for Visual Studio on the Add-ins and Macro Files list and click Close. The floating MATLAB Add-in for Visual Studio toolbar appears. The checkmark directs MSVC to automatically load the add-in when you start MSVC again.

Note: To run the MATLAB Add-in for Visual Studio on Windows 95 or Windows 98 systems, add this line to your config.sys file.

shell=c:\command.com /e:32768 /p

Note: If you are using Windows ME, refer to the related solution listed below:

For additional information on the MATLAB Add-in for Visual Studio:

- See the MATLABAddin.hlp file in the <matlab>\bin\win32 directory, or
- Click on the Help icon in the MATLAB add-in for Visual Studio toolbar
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-21 10:35 | 显示全部楼层
3. For either Mex or stand-alone support, you should also run the following commands at the MATLAB prompt.

cd(prefdir); mccsavepath;

These commands save your current MATLAB path to a file named mccpath in your user preferences directory. (Type prefdir to see the name of your user preferences directory.)

NOTE: This step is necessary because the MATLAB Add-in for Visual Studio runs outside of the MATLAB environment, so it would have no way to determine your MATLAB path. If you add directories to your MATLAB path and want them to be visible to the MATLAB Add-in, rerun the cd and mccsavepath commands shown in this step and replace prefdir with the desired pathname.

发表于 2011-6-12 10:42 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-6-19 11:20 | 显示全部楼层
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