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USER'S GUIDE<BR>{1}introduction<BR>一.format<BR>1.Graphic format <BR>1)Control elements<BR>allow you to perform operations such as executing actions and operations, choosing from among a given set of options,<BR>and inputting alphanumeric data<BR>2)toolpad command buttons <BR>located on the upper and lower right portions of the GUI<BR>2.Layout format<BR>二.font<BR>{2}STARTING GAMBIT <BR>一.Startup Command Options<BR>1)gambit -doc 启动本地网页浏览器打开用户手册 >example:gambit -doc<BR>2)gambit -help 显示可用的启动选项 >example:gambit -help<BR>3) gambit -dev (driver)<BR>4) gambit -def (filename)<BR>5) gambit -geom 按像素定义启动窗口大小 >example:gambit -geom 1000 800<BR>6)gambit -id (id) >example:gambit <BR> 系统此时会以默认的default_id给文件一个标识<BR> or: gambit -id jxw <BR>7) gambit -in (filename)<BR>8) gambit -res (filename)<BR>9) gambit -new(默认的启动方式都是新文件) >example: gambit -id jxw -new=gambit -id jxw<BR>10)gambit -old >example: gambit -id gambit_data/3_pipe -old<BR> note: gambit_data目录必须在ntx86<BR>二.GAMBIT File Organization<BR>1)Session Files <BR>.jou<BR>.trn<BR>.dbs<BR>2)Directory Structure<BR>working Directory 存放.jou .trn .dbs文件的临时目录,程序保存退出后删除<BR>Source Directory 与gambit启动目录是相同的位置,如d:\gambit_v1.3\ntbin\ntx86\<BR>Scratch Directory 与gambit启动目录是相同的位置,如d:\gambit_v1.3\ntbin\ntx86\<BR>home Directory<BR>{3}GUI<BR>一.GUI Components<BR>二.GUI Control Elements <BR>三.Using the Mouse<BR>1)mouse on "Menus and forms " require only left and right buttons<BR>left button:<BR>Open the menu associated with an item on the main menu bar <BR>Select a menu command <BR>Execute the operation indicated on a command button <BR>Select an option from a list of mutually exclusive radio buttons <BR>Open the hidden menu for an option button <BR>Select an option from an option-button menu <BR>Open or close a pick-list form <BR>Enable a text box for entering data <BR>Highlight an item in a list <BR>Relocate (drag) a form on the GUI <BR>right button:<BR>Open a menu of options available by means of a multifunction toolpad command button <BR>Open a hidden menu of options<BR>2)Graphics Window 在图形窗口鼠标可以完成三种任务<BR>a)产生VERTEX<BR> Ctrl-right-click <BR>b)显示图形<BR> Rotate Left-drag, 绕着在屏幕平面上的某个轴旋转,那个轴是于鼠标的移动方向垂直的。<BR> Translate Middle-drag<BR> Revolve Right-drag 水平方向拖动,绕垂直屏幕平面的一中心轴旋转<BR> Zoom and pan-zoom Right-drag 垂直方向拖动 <BR> Enlarge ctrl+Left-drag 保持比例(即局部放大,导致整体都放大)<BR> ctrl+middle-drag 不保持比例(只局部放大)<BR> Show previous view Double-middle-click<BR> Journal view Double-right-click<BR> drag left+right drag<BR>c)task 执行任务操作<BR>i)Picking entities <BR> Shift-left-click 执行单纯的选择操作,在同一个位置有几个实体时,容易选错对象<BR> Shift-middle-click 执行选择操作,特别适合在一复杂位置处选择一个自己需要的实体(通过不断的Shift-middle-click<BR> 可以除去前一次的选择,重新选择临近的对象)<BR>ii)Executing actions <BR>Shift-right-click =apply<BR>四.Using the Global Control Toolpad<BR>{4}GAMBIT MENU COMMANDS <BR>一)file<BR>1)Export<BR> i)Mesh Files <BR> export GAMBIT mesh, boundary-type, and continuum-type information in a format appropriate to the currently <BR> selected solver<BR> FDNEUT FIDAP <BR> msh FLUENT/UNS RAMPANT FLUENT 5<BR> GRD FLUENT 4 <BR> msh NEKTON <BR> cdb ANSYS <BR> neu POLYFLOW Generic <BR> GAMBIT MODELING GUIDE <BR>{1}INTRODUCTION<BR>{2}CREATING THE GEOMETRY <BR>一.General Operations<BR>1)Labeling Entities <BR>Item Real Entity Virtual Entity Faceted Entity<BR>Vertex vertex v_vertex f_vertex<BR>Edge edge v_edge f_edge<BR>Face face v_face f_face<BR>Volume volume v_volume f_volume<BR>Group group N/A N/A<BR>Coordinate System c_sys N/A N/A<BR>默认的命名规则:代表实体类型名称(如vertex)+.+十进制整数 example:volume.6<BR>如果是virtual 和faceted实体则在前面加前缀“v_"和“f_"<BR>整数的规则:创建的下一个实体的整数至是当前存在的相同类型实体的整数值加1<BR>2)Specifying Entities <BR>To select entities that share a common lower-topology entity, pick the lower-topology entity multiple times. For example, to pick three faces that share a common edge, pick the edge three times. <BR>3)坐标系统<BR>i)定义局部坐标系统<BR> a)指定参考坐标系统<BR> b)定义相对于参考系统的三坐标轴的参数<BR>4)Moving, Copying and Aligning Entities<BR>i)Moving (是以指定的实体为parent)<BR> a)Translate 以实体现在的位置为基准,通过定义移动的距离数值来移动<BR> b)Rotate 以某个定义的轴旋转实体 <BR> c)Reflect 以某个定义的对称平面对称实体<BR> d)Scale 以特定的比例因子放大缩小试题<BR>ii)Copying (是以前面产生的为parent)<BR>If you create two copies of a rectangular brick and specify that the copies are to be translated in the x, y, and z directions, GAMBIT translates the first copy relative to the parent brick and translates the second copy relative to the first copy <BR>只有"线"在拷贝时才有Copy Mesh option <BR>iii)对齐是以存在的点为基准的(relative to vertices)<BR> 有下面三步骤:<BR> ①translate 相对与整体坐标系不变方向的移动实体<BR> ②rotate 改变实体的方向,通过旋转使得所选的两个点共线<BR> ③Plane-align 绕所选的两个点形成的向量旋转,使得共面<BR> |