
楼主 |
发表于 2007-2-28 01:13
> Warning: Cannot determine from calling sequence whether to use new
(2.0 or later) FSOLVE function or grandfathered FSOLVE function.
Assuming new syntax; if call was grandfathered FSOLVE syntax,
this may give unexpected results.
To force new syntax and avoid warning, add options structure argument:
x = fsolve(@sin,3,optimset('fsolve'));
To force grandfathered syntax and avoid warning, add options array argument:
x = fsolve(@sin,3,foptions);
> In E:\Matlab\toolbox\optim\fsolve.m (parse_call) at line 389
In E:\Matlab\toolbox\optim\fsolve.m at line 101
In E:\Matlab\work\non_linearfunz6.m at line 3
Optimization terminated successfully:
Norm of relative change in X is less than max(options.TolX^2,eps) and
sum-of-squares of function values is less than sqrt(options.TolFun)
answer_x_y_z =
Column 1
0.261630241614871 + 0.0432136503412044i
Column 2
-0.147501542528093 - 0.0461512387637423i
Column 3
-0.00424579357031622 - 0.00155455859937376i
这是我运行的结果,是完全数解,得不到实数解,请问高人的解怎样? |