这是error:Real constant 2 referenced by at least element types 3 and 2.
*** WARNING *** CP = 331.328 TIME= 16:15:54
Meshes made up of 10 percent or more of FLUID30 tetrahedra are not
*** WARNING *** CP = 331.609 TIME= 16:16:06
Real constant 2 referenced by at least element types 3 and 2.
*** WARNING *** CP = 331.672 TIME= 16:16:06
Meshes made up of 10 percent or more of FLUID30 tetrahedra are not
*** WARNING *** CP = 395.797 TIME= 16:17:19
Coefficient ratio exceeds 1.0e8 - Check results.
*** WARNING *** SUPPRESSED MESSAGE CP = 1753.500 TIME= 17:06:46
Cannot change number of variables with data stored.
The NUMV command is ignored.