<P>function [M,m,df]=fftseq(m,ts,df) <BR>% [M,m,df]=fftseq(m,ts,df)<BR>% [M,m,df]=fftseq(m,ts)<BR>%FFTSEQ generates M, the FFT of the sequence m.<BR>% The sequence is zero padded to meet the required frequency resolution df.<BR>% ts is the sampling interval. The output df is the final frequency resolution.<BR>% Output m is the zero padded version of input m. M is the FFT.<BR>fs=1/ts;<BR>if nargin == 2<BR> n1=0;<BR>else<BR> n1=fs/df;<BR>end<BR>n2=length(m);<BR>n=2^(max(nextpow2(n1),nextpow2(n2)));<BR>M=fft(m,n);<BR>m=[m,zeros(1,n-n2)];<BR>df=fs/n;<BR></P>