楼主 |
发表于 2007-6-25 03:16
- function c=bsb(x,beta,multi)
- % function c=bsb(x,beta)
- %
- % This m-file duplicates the Brain State in a Box Experiment.
- % x - input vector
- % beta - feedback factor
- % c - number of iterations required for convergence
- %
- % Hugh Pasika 1997
- hold on
- flag=0; x=x(:); c=2; %c is a general purpose counter
- W=[.035 -.005; -.005 .035];
- set(gca,'YLim',[-1 1]); set(gca,'XLim',[-1 1]) % set axes
- plot(x(1),x(2),'ob') % plot first point
- orig=x';
- plot([0,0],[1,-1],'-'); plot([1,-1],[0,0],'-') % plot center lines
- set(gca,'YTick',[-1 1 ]); set(gca,'XTick',[-1 1 ]) % label plot
- while flag < 1,
- y=x+beta*W*x;
- x=(y(:,:) < -1 )*(-1) + (y(:,:)>1) + (y(:,:) > -1 & y(:,:) < 1).*y;
- u(c,:)=x';
- c=c+1;
- if u(c-1,:) == u(c-2,:),
- flag=10;
- c=c-3;
- end
- end
- u=u(2:c+1,:);
- orig
- plot([orig(1,1) u(1,1)], [orig(1,2) u(1,2)],'-b')
- plot(u(:,1), u(:,2),'ob')
- plot(u(:,1), u(:,2),'-b')
- drawnow
- fprintf(1,'It took %g iteration for a stable point to be reached.\n\n',c);
- set(gca,'Box','on')
- hold off
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