- implicit real(a-h,o-z)
- real a(200000),af(200000),b(28000),x(28000),
- $ anrm,xnrm,resd,g(28000),p(28000),t1(28000),t2(28000)
- integer ia(28001),ja(200000),nit(3)
- real d,c2,a2,cf
- common /tomm/ a,af,ia,ja
- common /area2/ d,c2,a2,cf
- common /order/ iorflg
- data nit/1,5,10/
- c
- c this is a main program for running the incomplete LU
- c conjugate gradient for solving linear systems.
- c the matrix need not be symmetric.
- c
- c ilucg this flag if 1 will cause incomplete factoization
- c if 0 no factorization just straight cg
- c
- c write(6,*)' start in main'
- c
- c call trapov(100)
- loca = 200000
- 1 continue
- c write(6,*) 'input ineum5,ineum6,irot,iorflg'
- c write(6,*)'set irot<0 to stop'
- c read(5,*) ineum5,ineum6,irot,iorflg
- c if( irot .lt. 0 ) then
- c write(6,*)' end test'
- c stop
- c end if
- c write(6,*) 'ineum5,ineum6,irot,iorflg',ineum5,ineum6,irot,iorflg
- c write(6,*)'input mesh cells for x, y, and z'
- c read(5,*)imx,imy,imz
- c write(6,*)'inner, middle, and outer fill-in integers'
- c read(5,*)ifli,iflm,iflo
- cc write(6,*)'ising (normally zero)'
- cc read(5,*)ising
- ineum5 = 1
- ineum6 = 1
- irot = 1
- iorflg = 2
- imx = 20
- imy = 20
- imz = 20
- cc if (ineum5 .ne. 1 .or. ineum6 .ne. 1) ising=0
- ising = 0
- cc imx = 5
- cc imy = 5
- cc imz = 5
- n = imx*imy*imz
- c write(6,*) ' *********** problem type *************'
- c if( ineum5 .eq. 0 ) then
- c write(6,*)' ***** dir on bottom *****'
- c else
- c write(6,*)' ***** neuman on bottom *****'
- c endif
- c if( ineum6 .eq. 0 ) then
- c write(6,*)' ***** dir on top *****'
- c else
- c write(6,*)' ***** neuman on top *****'
- c endif
- c if( ising .eq. 0 ) then
- c write(6,*)' ***** regular *****'
- c else
- c write(6,*)' ***** singular if neuman on top and bottom *****'
- c endif
- c write(6,*) ' ***** mesh cells in x dir',imx,' *****'
- c write(6,*) ' ***** mesh cells in y dir',imy,' *****'
- c write(6,*) ' ***** mesh cells in z dir',imz,' *****'
- c
- c ifli is the number of fillin stripes allowed for each of the
- c inner stripes; if zero no fillin.
- c iflm is the number of fillin stripes allowed for each of the
- c middle stripes; if zero no fillin.
- c iflo is the number of fillin stripes allowed for each of the
- c outer stripes; if zero no fillin here.
- c inum5 if 1 then neumann on bottom
- c if 0 then dirchlet on bottom
- c inum6 if 1 then neumann on top
- c if 0 then dirchlet on top
- c irot if 0 then no rot flow field
- c if 1 then rot flow field
- c ising if zero regular
- c if 1 then signular if neumann top and bottom
- c imx # of mesh cells in the x direction
- c imy # of mesh cells in the y direction
- c imz # of mesh cells in the z direction
- cc ifli = 0
- cc iflm = 0
- cc iflo = 0
- cc write(6,*)' call prbtyp'
- call prbtyp(ineum5,ineum6,ising,imx,imy,imz,0)
- cc write(6,*)' call matgen'
- ti1 = second(ii)
- call matgen(ifli,iflm,iflo,irot,nonz,ia,ja,a,b)
- c write(6,*)'n,nonz,ia(n+1)'
- c write(6,*)n,nonz,ia(n+1)
- cc write(6,*)' after matgen'
- ti2 = second(ii) - ti1
- if( ia(n+1) .gt. loca ) then
- write(6,*)' not enough storage',loca,ia(n+1)
- stop
- endif
- c stop
- job = 0
- anrm = abs(a(isamax(ia(n+1)-1,a,1)))
- call scopy(n,b,1,t2,1)
- maxits = n
- tol = 1.0e-6
- write(6,101) ti2
- 101 format(/20x,'time to generate matrix = ',5x,1pe10.3)
- do 888 ics = 1,3
- ti3 = second(ii)
- do 777 mm = 1, nit(ics)
- call scopy(n,t2,1,x,1)
- call scopy(n,t2,1,b,1)
- call iccglu(a,n,ia,ja,af,b,x,g,p,t1,tol,maxits,its,job,info)
- c write(6,*)'info should be zero info = ',info
- job = 1
- 777 continue
- ti4 = second(ii) - ti3
- call scopy(n,t2,1,b,1)
- call cgres(a,n,ia,ja,x,b,p)
- resd = abs(p(isamax(n,p,1)))
- xnrm = abs(x(isamax(n,x,1)))
- c write(6,*)'anrm,xnrm,resd',anrm,xnrm,resd
- sres = resd/(anrm*xnrm)
- nonzr = ia(n+1) - 1
- c ti5 = ti2 + ti4
- c write(6,100) sres,ti5,ti2,ti4,nonzr,its
- c 100 format(20x,'scaled residual = ',13x,1pe10.3,
- c 1 /20x,'total time = ',18x,1pe10.3,
- c 2 /20x,'time to generate matrix = ',5x,1pe10.3,
- c 3 /20x,'time for cg iterations = ',6x,1pe10.3,
- c 4 /20x,'number of nonzero elements = ',2x,i10,
- c 5 /20x,'number of cg iterations = ',5x,i10)
- write(6,102) nit(ics),its,sres,ti4
- 102 format(20x,'results for ',i3,' sets of ',i4,' cg iterations ',
- 1 'for each set',
- 2 //20x,'scaled residual = ',13x,1pe10.3,
- 3 /20x,'time for cg iterations = ',6x,1pe10.3,//)
- 888 continue
- c go to 1
- stop
- end
- subroutine matgen(ifli,iflm,iflo,irot,nonz,ia,ja,a,f)
- implicit real(a-h,o-z)
- integer ia(1),ja(1),ifli,iflo
- real a(1)
- integer bwi,bwo
- real f(28000),acof0(28000),acof1(28000),acof2(28000),
- # acof3(28000),
- # acof4(28000),acof5(28000),acof6(28000),gl(1000),gu(1000)
- real cvx(30,30,30),cvy(30,30,30),cvz(30,30,30)
- # ,omg(30,30,30)
- common/coef/acof0,acof1,acof2,acof3,acof4,acof5,acof6
- common /order/ iorflg
- c ineum5=1 neuman on bot;=0 dir on bot.
- c ineum6=1 neuman on top;=0 dir on top.
- c irot = 1, rotational flow field
- c irot = 0, non-rotational flow field
- flx=1.e0
- fly=1.e0
- flz=1.e0
- c write(6,*)' call prbtyp'
- call prbtyp(ineum5,ineum6,ising,imx,jmx,kmx,1)
- c write(6,*)' out of prbtyp in matgen'
- id=1
- idp1=id+1
- iptflg=0
- go to (3,5,7),iorflg
- 3 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 3'
- bwo=imx*jmx
- bwi=imx
- ni=1
- nj=bwi
- nk=bwo
- nc=-bwo-bwi
- nib=1
- njb=imx
- ncb=-imx
- c (ijk) (5310246)
- go to 9
- 5 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 5'
- c (kij) (3150624)
- bwo=kmx*imx
- bwi=kmx
- ni=bwi
- nj=bwo
- nk=1
- nc=-bwo-bwi
- nib=1
- njb=imx
- ncb=-imx
- go to 9
- 7 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 7'
- c (jki) (1530462)
- bwo=jmx*kmx
- bwi=jmx
- ni=bwo
- nj=1
- nk=bwi
- nc=-bwo-bwi
- nib=jmx
- njb=1
- ncb=-jmx
- 9 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 9'
- c write(6,*)'imx,jmx,kmx',imx,jmx,kmx
- dx=flx/float(imx)
- dy=fly/float(jmx)
- dz=flz/float(kmx)
- rdx2=1.e0/dx**2
- rdy2=1.e0/dy**2
- rdz2=1.e0/dz**2
- mx=imx*jmx*kmx
- imxm1=imx-1
- jmxm1=jmx-1
- kmxm1=kmx-1
- nonz=3*mx-2+2*(mx-bwi+ifli)+2*(mx-bwo+iflo)
- nonzt=nonz
- c write(6,*)' call inits'
- call inits(a,mx,ia,ja)
- if(ifli .ge. bwi-1) go to 220
- if(iflo .ge. bwo-bwi) go to 220
- do 10 m=1,mx
- f(m)=0.e0
- 10 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 10'
- do 11 i=1,imx
- do 11 j=1,jmx
- do 11 k=1,kmx
- xi=(float(i)-0.5e0)*dx
- yj=(float(j)-0.5e0)*dy
- zk=(float(k)-0.5e0)*dz
- facx = 1.0e0
- facy = 1.0e0
- if( irot .eq. 0 ) go to 12
- facx = xi - .05e0
- facy = yj - .05e0
- 12 continue
- dum=32.0e0*xi*(1.e0-xi)*yj*(1.e0-yj)*zk
- dum1=2.0e0*xi*yj*zk**2
- dum=25.e0*dum
- dum1=2.0e0*dum1
- cvx(i,j,k)=dum*facx
- cvy(i,j,k)=dum*facy
- cvz(i,j,k)=dum1
- omg(i,j,k)=0.e0
- dum2 = (xi*xi)*yj*zk
- m = i*ni + j*nj + k*nk + nc
- f(m) = dum2
- 11 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 11'
- do 15 j=1,jmx
- do 15 i=1,imx
- mb=i*nib+j*njb+ncb
- gl(mb)=1.e0
- gu(mb)=2.0e0
- 15 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 15'
- do 20 m=1,mx
- acof0(m)=0.e0
- acof1(m)=0.e0
- acof2(m)=0.e0
- acof3(m)=0.e0
- acof4(m)=0.e0
- acof5(m)=0.e0
- acof6(m)=0.e0
- 20 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 20'
- if(imx .lt. 3) go to 45
- if(jmx .lt. 3) go to 45
- if(kmx .lt. 3) go to 45
- do 30 j=2,jmxm1
- do 30 i=2,imxm1
- do 30 k=2,kmxm1
- m=i*ni+j*nj+k*nk+nc
- acof0(m)=2.0e0*(rdx2+rdy2+rdz2)+omg(i,j,k)
- acof1(m)=-rdx2-0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof2(m)=-rdx2+0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof3(m)=-rdy2-0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof4(m)=-rdy2+0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof5(m)=-rdz2-0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- acof6(m)=-rdz2+0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- 30 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 30'
- 45 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 45'
- if((jmx.lt.3).or.(kmx.lt.3)) go to 55
- do 50 j=2,jmxm1
- do 50 k=2,kmxm1
- i=1
- m=i*ni+j*nj+k*nk+nc
- acof0(m)=rdx2+2.0e0*(rdy2+rdz2)+omg(i,j,k)-0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof2(m)=-rdx2+0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof3(m)=-rdy2-0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof4(m)=-rdy2+0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof5(m)=-rdz2-0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- acof6(m)=-rdz2+0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- i=imx
- m=i*ni+j*nj+k*nk+nc
- acof0(m)=rdx2+2.0e0*(rdy2+rdz2)+omg(i,j,k) +0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof1(m)=-rdx2-0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof3(m)=-rdy2-0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof4(m)=-rdy2+0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof5(m)=-rdz2-0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- acof6(m)=-rdz2+0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- 50 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 50'
- 55 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 55'
- if((imx.lt.3).or.(kmx.lt.3)) go to 65
- do 60 i=2,imxm1
- do 60 k=2,kmxm1
- j=1
- m=i*ni+j*nj+k*nk+nc
- acof0(m)=rdy2+ 2.0e0*(rdx2+rdz2)+omg(i,j,k) -0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof1(m)=-rdx2-0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof2(m)=-rdx2+0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof4(m)=-rdy2+0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof5(m)=-rdz2-0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- acof6(m)=-rdz2+0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- j=jmx
- m=i*ni+j*nj+k*nk+nc
- acof0(m)=rdy2+2.0e0*(rdx2+rdz2)+omg(i,j,k)+0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof1(m)=-rdx2-0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof2(m)=-rdx2+0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof3(m)=-rdy2-0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof5(m)=-rdz2-0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- acof6(m)=-rdz2+0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- 60 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 60'
- 65 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 65'
- if((imx.lt.3).or.(jmx.lt.3)) go to 75
- do 70 i=2,imxm1
- do 70 j=2,jmxm1
- k=1
- m=(j-1)*bwo+(i-1)*bwi +k
- acof0(m)=2.0e0*(rdx2+rdy2)+3.0e0*rdz2 +omg(i,j,k)
- # +cvz(i,j,k)/(2.0e0*dz)
- if (ineum5 .eq. 1) acof0(m) = acof0(m) - 2.0e0*rdz2 -cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- acof1(m)=-rdx2-0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof2(m)=-rdx2+0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof3(m)=-rdy2-0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof4(m)=-rdy2+0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof6(m)=-rdz2+0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum5 .eq. 1) go to 71
- mb=i*nib+j*njb+ncb
- f(m)=f(m)+(2.0e0*rdz2+cvz(i,j,k)/dz)*gl(mb)
- 71 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 71'
- k=kmx
- m=i*ni+j*nj+k*nk+nc
- acof0(m)=2.0e0*(rdx2+rdy2)+3.0e0*rdz2+omg(i,j,k)
- # -cvz(i,j,k)/(2.0e0*dz)
- if (ineum6 .eq. 1) acof0(m) = acof0(m) - 2.0e0*rdz2 +cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- acof1(m)=-rdx2-0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof2(m)=-rdx2+0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof3(m)=-rdy2-0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof4(m)=-rdy2+0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof5(m)=-rdz2-0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum6 .eq. 1) go to 72
- mb=i*nib+j*njb+ncb
- f(m)=f(m)+(2.0e0*rdz2-cvz(i,j,k)/dz)*gu(mb)
- 72 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 72'
- 70 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 70'
- 75 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 75'
- if(kmx.lt.3) go to 85
- do 80 k=2,kmxm1
- i=1
- j=1
- m=i*ni+j*nj+k*nk+nc
- acof0(m)=rdx2+rdy2+2.0e0*rdz2+omg(i,j,k)
- # -0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx-0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof2(m)=-rdx2+0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof4(m)=-rdy2+0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof5(m)=-rdz2-0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- acof6(m)=-rdz2+0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- j=jmx
- m=i*ni+j*nj+k*nk+nc
- acof0(m)=rdx2+rdy2+2.0e0*rdz2+omg(i,j,k)
- # -0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx+0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof2(m)=-rdx2+0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof3(m)=-rdy2-0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof5(m)=-rdz2-0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- acof6(m)=-rdz2+0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- i=imx
- m=(j-1)*bwo+(i-1)*bwi +k
- acof0(m)=rdx2+rdy2+2.0e0*rdz2+omg(i,j,k)
- # +0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx+0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof1(m)=-rdx2-0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof3(m)=-rdy2-0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof5(m)=-rdz2-0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- acof6(m)=-rdz2+ 0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- j=1
- m=i*ni+j*nj+k*nk+nc
- acof0(m)=rdx2+rdy2+2.0e0*rdz2+omg(i,j,k)
- # +0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx-0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof1(m)=-rdx2-0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof4(m)=-rdy2+0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof5(m)=-rdz2-0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- acof6(m)=-rdz2+0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- 80 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 80'
- 85 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 85'
- if(imx.lt.3)go to 95
- do 90 i=2,imxm1
- k=1
- j=1
- m=i*ni+j*nj+k*nk+nc
- acof0(m)=2.0e0*rdx2+rdy2+3.0e0*rdz2+omg(i,j,k)
- # -0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy+0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum5 .eq. 1) acof0(m) = acof0(m) - 2.0e0*rdz2 -cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- acof1(m)=-rdx2-0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof2(m)=-rdx2+0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof4(m)=-rdy2+0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof6(m)=-rdz2+0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum5 .eq. 1) go to 91
- mb=i*nib+j*njb+ncb
- f(m)=f(m)+(2.0e0*rdz2+cvz(i,j,k)/dz)*gl(mb)
- 91 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 91'
- j=jmx
- m=i*ni+j*nj+k*nk+nc
- acof0(m)=2.0e0*rdx2 +rdy2 +3.0e0*rdz2+omg(i,j,k)
- # +0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy+0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum5 .eq. 1) acof0(m) = acof0(m) - 2.0e0*rdz2 -cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- acof1(m)=-rdx2-0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof2(m)=-rdx2+0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof3(m)=-rdy2-0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof6(m)=-rdz2+0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum5 .eq. 1) go to 92
- mb=i*nib+j*njb+ncb
- f(m)=f(m)+(2.0e0*rdz2+ cvz(i,j,k)/dz)*gl(mb)
- 92 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 92'
- k=kmx
- m=i*ni+j*nj+k*nk+nc
- acof0(m)=2.0e0*rdx2+rdy2+3.0e0*rdz2+omg(i,j,k)
- # +0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy-0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum6 .eq. 1) acof0(m) = acof0(m) - 2.0e0*rdz2 +cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- acof1(m)=-rdx2-0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof2(m)=-rdx2+0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof3(m)=-rdy2-0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof5(m)=-rdz2-0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum6 .eq. 1) go to 93
- mb=i*nib+j*njb+ncb
- f(m)=f(m)+(2.0e0*rdz2-cvz(i,j,k)/dz)*gu(mb)
- 93 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 93'
- j=1
- m=(j-1)*bwo+(i-1)*bwi +k
- acof0(m)=2.0e0*rdx2+rdy2+3.0e0*rdz2+omg(i,j,k)
- # -0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy-0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum6 .eq. 1) acof0(m) = acof0(m) - 2.0e0*rdz2 +cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- acof1(m)=-rdx2-0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof2(m)=-rdx2+0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof4(m)=-rdy2+0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof5(m)=-rdz2-0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum6 .eq. 1) go to 94
- mb=i*nib+j*njb+ncb
- f(m)=f(m)+(2.0e0*rdz2-cvz(i,j,k)/dz)*gu(mb)
- 94 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 94'
- 90 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 90'
- 95 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 95'
- if(jmx.lt.3)go to 105
- do 100 j=2,jmxm1
- k=1
- i=1
- m=i*ni+j*nj+k*nk+nc
- acof0(m)=rdx2+ 2.0e0*rdy2+3.0e0*rdz2+omg(i,j,k)
- # -0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx+0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum5 .eq. 1) acof0(m) = acof0(m) - 2.0e0*rdz2 -cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- acof2(m)=-rdx2+0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof3(m)=-rdy2-0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof4(m)=-rdy2+0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof6(m)=-rdz2+0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum5 .eq. 1) go to 101
- mb=i*nib+j*njb+ncb
- f(m)=f(m)+(2.0e0*rdz2+cvz(i,j,k)/dz)*gl(mb)
- 101 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 101'
- i=imx
- m=i*ni+j*nj+k*nk+nc
- acof0(m)=rdx2+2.0e0*rdy2+3.0e0*rdz2+omg(i,j,k)
- # +0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx+0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum5 .eq. 1) acof0(m) = acof0(m) - 2.0e0*rdz2 -cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- acof1(m)=-rdx2-0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof3(m)=-rdy2-0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof4(m)=-rdy2+0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof6(m)=-rdz2+0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum5 .eq. 1) go to 102
- mb=i*nib+j*njb+ncb
- f(m)=f(m)+(2.0e0*rdz2+cvz(i,j,k)/dz)*gl(mb)
- 102 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 102'
- k=kmx
- m=i*ni+j*nj+k*nk+nc
- acof0(m)=rdx2+2.0e0*rdy2+3.0e0*rdz2+omg(i,j,k)
- # +0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx-0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum6 .eq. 1) acof0(m) = acof0(m) - 2.0e0*rdz2 +cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- acof1(m)=-rdx2-0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof3(m)=-rdy2-0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof4(m)=-rdy2+0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof5(m)=-rdz2-0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum6 .eq. 1) go to 103
- mb=i*nib+j*njb+ncb
- f(m)=f(m)+(2.0e0*rdz2-cvz(i,j,k)/dz)*gu(mb)
- 103 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 103'
- i=1
- m=i*ni+j*nj+k*nk+nc
- acof0(m)=rdx2+2.0e0*rdy2+3.0e0*rdz2+omg(i,j,k)
- # -0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx-0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum6 .eq. 1) acof0(m) = acof0(m) - 2.0e0*rdz2 +cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- acof2(m)=-rdx2+0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof3(m)=-rdy2-0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof4(m)=-rdy2+0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof5(m)=-rdz2-0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum6 .eq. 1) go to 104
- mb=i*nib+j*njb+ncb
- f(m)=f(m)+(2.0e0*rdz2-cvz(i,j,k)/dz)*gu(mb)
- 104 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 104'
- 100 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 100'
- 105 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 105'
- i=1
- j=1
- k=1
- m=i*ni+j*nj+k*nk+nc
- acof0(m)=rdx2+rdy2+3.0e0*rdz2+omg(i,j,k)
- # -0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx-0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- # +0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum5 .eq. 1) acof0(m) = acof0(m) - 2.0e0*rdz2 -cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- acof2(m)=-rdx2+0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof4(m)=-rdy2+0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dx
- acof6(m)=-rdz2+0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum5 .eq. 1) go to 106
- mb=i*nib+j*njb+ncb
- f(m)=f(m)+(2.0e0*rdz2+cvz(i,j,k)/dz)*gl(mb)
- 106 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 106'
- k=kmx
- m=i*ni+j*nj+k*nk+nc
- acof0(m)=rdx2+rdy2+3.0e0*rdz2+omg(i,j,k)
- # -0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx-0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- # -0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum6 .eq. 1) acof0(m) = acof0(m) - 2.0e0*rdz2 +cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- acof2(m)=-rdx2+0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof4(m)=-rdy2+0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof5(m)=-rdz2-0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum6. eq. 1) go to 107
- mb=i*nib+j*njb+ncb
- f(m)=f(m)+(2.0e0*rdz2-cvz(i,j,k)/dz)*gu(mb)
- 107 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 107'
- i=1
- j=jmx
- k=1
- m=i*ni+j*nj+k*nk+nc
- acof0(m)=rdx2+rdy2+3.0e0*rdz2+omg(i,j,k)
- # -0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx+0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- # +0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum5 .eq. 1) acof0(m) = acof0(m) - 2.0e0*rdz2 -cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- acof2(m)=-rdx2+0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof3(m)=-rdy2-0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof6(m)=-rdz2+0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum5 .eq. 1) go to 108
- mb=i*nib+j*njb+ncb
- f(m)=f(m)+(2.0e0*rdz2+cvz(i,j,k)/dz)*gl(mb)
- 108 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 108'
- k=kmx
- m=i*ni+j*nj+k*nk+nc
- acof0(m)=rdx2+rdy2+3.0e0*rdz2+omg(i,j,k)
- # -0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx+0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- # -0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum6 .eq. 1) acof0(m) = acof0(m) - 2.0e0*rdz2 +cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- acof2(m)=-rdx2+0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof3(m)=-rdy2-0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof5(m)=-rdz2-0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum6 .eq. 1) go to 109
- mb=i*nib+j*njb+ncb
- f(m)=f(m)+(2.0e0*rdz2-cvz(i,j,k)/dz)*gu(mb)
- 109 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 109'
- i=imx
- j=1
- k=1
- m=i*ni+j*nj+k*nk+nc
- acof0(m)=rdx2+rdy2+3.0e0*rdz2+omg(i,j,k)
- # +0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx-0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- # +0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum5 .eq. 1) acof0(m) = acof0(m) - 2.0e0*rdz2 -cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- acof1(m)=-rdx2-0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof4(m)=-rdy2+0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof6(m)=-rdz2+0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum5 .eq. 1) go to 111
- mb=i*nib+j*njb+ncb
- f(m)=f(m)+(2.0e0*rdz2+cvz(i,j,k)/dz)*gl(mb)
- 111 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 111'
- k=kmx
- m=i*ni+j*nj+k*nk+nc
- acof0(m)=rdx2+rdy2+3.0e0*rdz2+omg(i,j,k)
- # +0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx-0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- # -0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum6 .eq. 1) acof0(m) = acof0(m) - 2.0e0*rdz2 +cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- acof1(m)=-rdx2-0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof4(m)=-rdy2+0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof5(m)=-rdz2-0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum6 .eq. 1) go to 112
- mb=i*nib+j*njb+ncb
- f(m)=f(m)+(2.0e0*rdz2-cvz(i,j,k)/dz)*gu(mb)
- 112 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 112'
- i=imx
- j=jmx
- k=1
- m=i*ni+j*nj+k*nk+nc
- acof0(m)=rdx2+rdy2+3.0e0*rdz2+omg(i,j,k)
- # +0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx+0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- # +0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum5 .eq. 1) acof0(m) = acof0(m) - 2.0e0*rdz2 -cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- acof1(m)=-rdx2-0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof3(m)=-rdy2-0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof6(m)=-rdz2+0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum5 .eq. 1) go to 113
- mb=i*nib+j*njb+ncb
- f(m)=f(m)+(2.0e0*rdz2+cvz(i,j,k)/dz)*gl(mb)
- 113 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 113'
- k=kmx
- m=i*ni+j*nj+k*nk+nc
- acof0(m)=rdx2+rdy2+3.0e0*rdz2+omg(i,j,k)
- # +0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx+0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- # -0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum6 .eq. 1) acof0(m) = acof0(m) - 2.0e0*rdz2 +cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- acof1(m)=-rdx2-0.5e0*cvx(i,j,k)/dx
- acof3(m)=-rdy2-0.5e0*cvy(i,j,k)/dy
- acof5(m)=-rdz2-0.5e0*cvz(i,j,k)/dz
- if (ineum6 .eq. 1) go to 114
- mb=i*nib+j*njb+ncb
- f(m)=f(m)+(2.0e0*rdz2-cvz(i,j,k)/dz)*gu(mb)
- 114 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 114'
- if(ineum5*ineum6 .eq. 0) go to 117
- if( ising .eq. 1 ) go to 117
- i=1
- j=1
- k=1
- m=i*ni+j*nj+k*nk+nc
- acof2(m)=0.e0
- acof4(m)=0.e0
- acof6(m)=0.e0
- f(m)=0.e0
- i=2
- m=i*ni+j*nj+k*nk+nc
- acof1(m)=0.e0
- i=1
- j=2
- m=i*ni+j*nj+k*nk+nc
- acof3(m)=0.e0
- j=1
- k=2
- m=i*ni+j*nj+k*nk+nc
- acof5(m)=0.e0
- 117 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 117'
- c load coef
- c write(6,*)'load matrix'
- do 150 i=1+bwo,mx
- j=i-bwo
- t=acof3(i)
- call put(t,a,mx,ia,ja,i,j)
- 150 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 150'
- do 155 i=1+bwi,mx
- j=i-bwi
- t=acof1(i)
- call put(t,a,mx,ia,ja,i,j)
- 155 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 155'
- do 160 i=2,mx
- j=i-1
- t=acof5(i)
- call put(t,a,mx,ia,ja,i,j)
- 160 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 160'
- do 165 i=1,mx
- j=i
- t=acof0(i)
- call put(t,a,mx,ia,ja,i,j)
- 165 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 165'
- do 170 i=1,mx-1
- j=i+1
- t=acof6(i)
- call put(t,a,mx,ia,ja,i,j)
- 170 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 170'
- do 175 i=1,mx-bwi
- j=i+bwi
- t=acof2(i)
- call put(t,a,mx,ia,ja,i,j)
- 175 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 175'
- do 180 i=1,mx-bwo
- j=i+bwo
- t=acof4(i)
- call put(t,a,mx,ia,ja,i,j)
- 180 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 180'
- c load zeros for fill-in stripes
- if(iflo .eq. 0) go to 195
- do 192 k = 1,iflo
- do 185 i=1+bwo-k,mx
- j=i-bwo+k
- t=0.0e0
- call put(t,a,mx,ia,ja,i,j)
- 185 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 185'
- do 190 i=1,mx-bwo+k
- j=i+bwo-k
- t=0.0e0
- call put(t,a,mx,ia,ja,i,j)
- 190 continue
- 192 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 190'
- 195 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 195'
- if(ifli .eq. 0) go to 210
- do 208 k = 1,ifli
- do 200 i=1+bwi-k,mx
- j=i-bwi+k
- t=0.0e0
- call put(t,a,mx,ia,ja,i,j)
- 200 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 200'
- do 205 i=1,mx-bwi+k
- j=i+bwi-k
- t=0.0e0
- call put(t,a,mx,ia,ja,i,j)
- 205 continue
- 208 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 205'
- 210 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 210'
- if( iflm .eq. 0 ) go to 219
- do 217 k = 1,iflm
- do 212 i = 1+bwi+k,mx
- j = i - bwi - k
- call put(0.0e0,a,mx,ia,ja,i,j)
- 212 continue
- do 213 i = 1,mx-bwi-k
- j = i + bwi + k
- call put(0.0e0,a,mx,ia,ja,i,j)
- 213 continue
- 217 continue
- 219 continue
- c have now loaded the a,ia,ja arrays
- c write(6,*) 'formula,actual',nonzt,ia(mx+1)
- go to 215
- 220 write(6,*) 'ifli or iflo too large'
- 215 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue 215'
- return
- end
- subroutine prbtyp(ineum5,ineum6,ising,imx,imy,imz,iflg)
- integer ineum5,ineum6,ising,imx,imy,imz,iflg
- integer n5,n6,isg,ix,iy,iz
- c ineum5=0,dir on bot; =1,neuman on bot
- c ineum6=0,dir on top; =1,neuman on top
- c ising =0,regular; =1 singular if neuman on top & bot
- c imx = # mesh cells in x dir
- c imy = # mesh cells in y dir
- c imz = # mesh cells in z dir
- c iflg =0 sets local values;=1 returns local values
- c
- c
- if(iflg .eq. 0) go to 10
- c write(6,*)' in prbtyp ix,iy,iz recall',ix,iy,iz
- ineum5=n5
- ineum6=n6
- ising=isg
- imx=ix
- imy=iy
- imz=iz
- c write(6,*)' in prbtyp recall imx,imy,imz',imx,imy,imz
- go to 20
- 10 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue #'
- c write(6,*)' in prbtyp init imx,imy,imz',imx,imy,imz
- n5=ineum5
- n6=ineum6
- isg=ising
- ix=imx
- iy=imy
- iz=imz
- c write(6,*) ' *********** problem type *************'
- c if( ineum5 .eq. 0 ) then
- c write(6,*)' ***** dir on bottom *****'
- c else
- c write(6,*)' ***** neuman on bottom *****'
- c endif
- c if( ineum6 .eq. 0 ) then
- c write(6,*)' ***** dir on top *****'
- c else
- c write(6,*)' ***** neuman on top *****'
- c endif
- c if( ising .eq. 0 ) then
- c write(6,*)' ***** regular *****'
- c else
- c write(6,*)' ***** singular if neuman on top and bottom *****'
- c endif
- c write(6,*) ' ***** mesh cells in x dir',imx,' *****'
- c write(6,*) ' ***** mesh cells in y dir',imy,' *****'
- c write(6,*) ' ***** mesh cells in z dir',imz,' *****'
- 20 continue
- c write(6,*)' continue #'
- return
- end
- subroutine iccglu(a,n,ia,ja,af,b,x,r,p,s,tol,maxits,its,job,info)
- c
- integer n,ia(1),ja(1),maxits,its,job,info
- real a(1),af(1),x(1),r(1),p(1),s(1),b(1),tol
- c
- c this routine performs preconditioned conjugate gradient on a
- c sparse matrix. the preconditioner is an incomplete lu of
- c the matrix.
- c
- c on entry:
- c
- c a real()
- c contains the elements of the matrix.
- c
- c n integer
- c is the order of the matrix.
- c
- c ia integer(n+1)
- c contains pointers to the start of the rows in the arrays
- c a and ja.
- c
- c ja integer()
- c contains the column location of the corresponding elements
- c in the array a.
- c
- c b real (n)
- c contains the right hand side.
- c
- c x real (n)
- c contains an estimate of the solution, the closer it
- c is to the true solution the faster tthe method will
- c converge.
- c
- c tol real
- c is the accuracy desired in the solution.
- c
- c maxits integer
- c is the maximun number of iterations to be taken
- c by the routine.
- c
- c job integer
- c is a flag to signal if incomplete factorization
- c aready exits in array af.
- c job = 0 perform incomplete factorization
- c job = 1 skip incomplete factorization
- c
- c on output
- c
- c af real ()
- c contains the incomplete factorization of the matrix
- c contained in the array a.
- c
- c x real (n)
- c contains the solution.
- c
- c r,p,s real (n)
- c these are scratch work arrays.
- c
- c its integer
- c contains the number of iterations need to converge.
- c
- c info integer
- c signals if normal termination.
- c info = 0 method converged in its iterations
- c info = 1 method converged, but exit occurred because
- c residual norm was less than sqrt(rtxmin).
- c info = -999 method didnot converge in maxits iterations.
- c
- c
- c the algorithm has the following form.
- c
- c form incomplete factors l and u
- c x(0) <- initial estiate
- c r(0) <- b - a*x(0)
- c r(0) <- trans(a)*invtrans(l)*invtrans(u)*inv(u)*inv(l)*r(0)
- c p(0) <- r(0)
- c i <- 0
- c while r(i) > tol do
- c s <- inv(u)*inv(l)*a*p(i)
- c a(i) <- trans(r(i))*r(i)/(trans(s)*s)
- c x(i+1) <- x(i) + a(i)*p(i)
- c r(i+1) <- r(i) - a(i)*trans(a)*invtrans(l)*invtrans(u)*s
- c b(i) <- trans(r(i+1))*r(i+1)/(trans(r(i))*r(i))
- c p(i+1) <- r(i+1) + b(i)*p(i)
- c i <- i + 1
- c end
- c
- real ai,bi,rowold,rownew,xnrm,anrm
- real sdot
- real rtxmax,rtxmin
- common /gear14/ rtxmax,rtxmin
- data rtxmin/1.0e-16/
- info = 0
- anrm = abs(a(isamax(ia(n+1)-1,a,1)))
- c
- c form incomplete factors l and u
- c
- if( job .ne. 0 ) go to 5
- call scopy(ia(n+1)-1,a,1,af,1)
- call lu(af,n,ia,ja)
- 5 continue
- c
- c r(0) <- b - a*x(0)
- c
- call cgres(a,n,ia,ja,x,b,r)
- c
- c r(0) <- trans(a)*invtrans(l)*invtrans(u)*inv(u)*inv(l)*r(0)
- c
- c inv(u)*inv(l)*r(0)
- c
- call scopy(n,r,1,s,1)
- call ssol(af,n,ia,ja,s,1)
- call ssol(af,n,ia,ja,s,2)
- c
- c invtrans(l)*invtrans(u)*above
- c
- call ssol(af,n,ia,ja,s,-2)
- call ssol(af,n,ia,ja,s,-1)
- c
- c trans(a)*above
- c
- call mmult(a,n,ia,ja,r,s,-1)
- c
- c p(0) <- r(0)
- c
- call scopy(n,r,1,p,1)
- rowold = sdot(n,r,1,r,1)
- i = 0
- c
- c while r(i) > tol do
- c
- ai = 1.0d0
- 10 continue
- xnrm = abs(x(isamax(n,x,1)))
- cc write(6,*) ' iter residual xnrm ai',i,sqrt(rowold)/(anrm*xnrm),
- cc $ xnrm,ai
- if( sqrt(rowold) .le. tol*(anrm*xnrm) ) go to 12
- cc if (rowold .le. rtxmin) go to 25
- 13 continue
- c
- c s <- inv(u)*inv(l)*a*p(i)
- c
- call mmult(a,n,ia,ja,s,p,1)
- call ssol(af,n,ia,ja,s,1)
- call ssol(af,n,ia,ja,s,2)
- c
- c a(i) <- trans(r(i))*r(i)/(trans(s)*s)
- c
- ai = rowold/sdot(n,s,1,s,1)
- c
- c x(i+1) <- x(i) + a(i)*p(i)
- c
- call saxpy(n,ai,p,1,x,1)
- c
- c
- c r(i+1) <- r(i) - a(i)*trans(a)*invtrans(l)*invtrans(u)*s
- c
- call ssol(af,n,ia,ja,s,-2)
- call ssol(af,n,ia,ja,s,-1)
- call mmult(a,n,ia,ja,b,s,-1)
- call saxpy(n,-ai,b,1,r,1)
- c
- c b(i) <- trans(r(i+1))*r(i+1)/(trans(r(i))*r(i))
- c
- rownew = sdot(n,r,1,r,1)
- bi = rownew/rowold
- c
- c p(i+1) <- r(i+1) + b(i)*p(i)
- c
- call saxpy2(n,bi,p,1,r,1)
- rowold = rownew
- c
- c i <- i + 1
- c
- i = i + 1
- if( i .gt. maxits ) go to 20
- go to 10
- 12 continue
- 15 continue
- its = i
- return
- 20 continue
- info = -999
- its = maxits
- return
- c 25 continue
- c info = 1
- c its = i
- c return
- end
- subroutine axpy(a,n,ia,ja,i,js,je,t,y)
- c
- integer n,ia(1),ja(1),i,js,je
- real a(1),y(1)
- real t
- c
- c this routine computes an axpy for a row of a sparse matrix
- c with a vector.
- c an axpy is a multiple of a row of the matrix is added to the
- c vector y.
- c
- is = ia(i)
- ie = ia(i+1) - 1
- do 10 ir = is,ie
- j = ja(ir)
- if( j .gt. je ) go to 20
- if( j .lt. js ) go to 10
- y(j) = y(j) + t*a(ir)
- 10 continue
- 20 continue
- return
- end
- subroutine saxpy2(n,da,dx,incx,dy,incy)
- c
- c constant times a vector plus a vector.
- c uses unrolled loops for increments equal to one.
- c jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.
- c
- real dx(1),dy(1),da
- integer i,incx,incy,m,mp1,n
- c
- if(n.le.0)return
- if (da .eq. 0.0e0) return
- if(incx.eq.1.and.incy.eq.1)go to 20
- c
- c code for unequal increments or equal increments
- c not equal to 1
- c
- ix = 1
- iy = 1
- if(incx.lt.0)ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1
- if(incy.lt.0)iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1
- do 10 i = 1,n
- dx(iy) = dy(iy) + da*dx(ix)
- ix = ix + incx
- iy = iy + incy
- 10 continue
- return
- c
- c code for both increments equal to 1
- c
- c
- c clean-up loop
- c
- 20 m = mod(n,4)
- if( m .eq. 0 ) go to 40
- do 30 i = 1,m
- dx(i) = dy(i) + da*dx(i)
- 30 continue
- if( n .lt. 4 ) return
- 40 mp1 = m + 1
- do 50 i = mp1,n,4
- dx(i) = dy(i) + da*dx(i)
- dx(i + 1) = dy(i + 1) + da*dx(i + 1)
- dx(i + 2) = dy(i + 2) + da*dx(i + 2)
- dx(i + 3) = dy(i + 3) + da*dx(i + 3)
- 50 continue
- return
- end
- real function dot(a,n,ia,ja,i,js,je,b)
- c
- integer n,ia(1),ja(1),i,js,je
- real a(1),b(1)
- real t
- c
- c this routine computes an inner product for a row of a sparse matri
- c with a vector.
- c
- t = 0.0e0
- is = ia(i)
- ie = ia(i+1) - 1
- do 10 ir = is,ie
- j = ja(ir)
- if( j .gt. je ) go to 20
- if( j .lt. js ) go to 10
- t = t + a(ir)*b(j)
- 10 continue
- 20 continue
- dot = t
- return
- end
- subroutine inits(a,n,ia,ja)
- c
- integer n,ia(1),ja(1)
- real a(1)
- c
- c this routine initializes storage for the sparse
- c matrix arrays.
- c note: the matrix is initialized to have zeroes
- c on the diagonal.
- c
- do 10 i = 1,n
- a(i) = 0.0e0
- ja(i) = i
- ia(i) = i
- 10 continue
- ia(n+1) = n+1
- return
- end
- subroutine insert(t,a,n,ia,ja,i,j,k)
- c
- integer n,ia(1),ja(1),i,j,k
- integer ip1,np1
- real t,a(1)
- c
- c this routine rearranges the elements in arrays a and ja
- c and updates array ia for the new element.
- c
- cc write(6,1000)i,j,ia(i),ia(i+1),t
- 1000 format(' *** from insert i,j,ia(i),ia(i+1),t ',4i5,1x,e15.8)
- l1 = k
- l2 = ia(n+1) - 1
- do 10 lb = l1,l2
- l = l2 - lb + l1
- a(l+1) = a(l)
- ja(l+1) = ja(l)
- 10 continue
- a(k) = t
- ja(k) = j
- ip1 = i + 1
- np1 = n + 1
- do 20 l = ip1,np1
- ia(l) = ia(l) + 1
- 20 continue
- return
- end
- logical function locate(a,n,ia,ja,i,j,k)
- c
- integer n,ia(1),ja(1),i,j
- real a(1)
- c
- c this routine will locate the i,j-th element in the
- c sparse matrix structure.
- c
- is = ia(i)
- ie = ia(i+1) - 1
- c
- c row i is from is to ie in array a.
- c
- do 10 l = is,ie
- if( j .gt. ja(l) ) go to 10
- if( j .ne. ja(l) ) go to 5
- locate = .true.
- k = l
- go to 20
- 5 continue
- if( j .ge. ja(l) ) go to 10
- locate = .false.
- k = 0
- go to 20
- 10 continue
- c
- c get here if should be at the end of a row.
- c
- locate = .false.
- k = 0
- 20 continue
- return
- end
- subroutine lu(a,n,ia,ja)
- c
- logical locate
- integer n,ia(1),ja(1)
- integer ikp1,kp1
- real a(1)
- c
- c this subroutine does incomplete gaussian elimenation
- c on a sparse matrix. the matrix is stored in a sparse
- c data structure.
- c note: no pivoting is done
- c and the factorization is incomplete,
- c i.e., only where there exists a storage location
- c will the operation take place.
- c
- do 40 k = 1,n
- if( .not. locate(a,n,ia,ja,k,k,l2) ) go to 50
- if( a(l2) .eq. 0.0e0 ) go to 50
- kp1 = k + 1
- do 30 i = kp1,n
- if( .not. locate(a,n,ia,ja,i,k,ik) ) go to 25
- is = ik
- ie = ia(i+1) - 1
- kj = l2
- ke = ia(k+1) - 1
- a(ik) = a(ik)/a(kj)
- if( kj .eq. ke ) go to 30
- kj = kj + 1
- ikp1 = ik + 1
- do 20 j = ikp1,ie
- 10 continue
- if( kj .gt. ke ) go to 30
- if( ja(kj) .ge. ja(j) ) go to 15
- kj = kj + 1
- go to 10
- 15 continue
- if( ja(kj) .gt. ja(j) ) go to 20
- a(j) = a(j) - a(ik)*a(kj)
- 20 continue
- 25 continue
- 30 continue
- 40 continue
- return
- 50 continue
- cc write(6,*)' value of k and a(k,k)',k,a(l2)
- cc write(6,*)' error zero on diagonal'
- cc write(6,*)' matrix probably specified incorrectly or'
- cc write(6,*)' incomplete factorization produces a singular matrix'
- return
- end
- subroutine mmult(a,n,ia,ja,b,x,job)
- c
- integer n,ia(1),ja(1),job
- real a(1),b(1),x(1)
- c
- c this routine performs matrix vector multiple
- c for a sparse matrix structure
- c
- c job has the following input meanings:
- c job = 1 matrix vector multiple
- c = -1 matrix transpose vector multiple
- c = 2 unit lower matrix vector multiple
- c = -2 unit lower matrix transpose vector multiple
- c = 3 upper matrix vector multiple
- c = -3 upper matrix transpose vector multiple
- real dot
- c
- c a*x
- c
- if( job .ne. 1 ) go to 15
- do 10 i = 1,n
- b(i) = dot(a,n,ia,ja,i,1,n,x)
- 10 continue
- c
- c trans(a)*x
- c
- 15 continue
- if( job .ne. -1 ) go to 35
- do 20 i = 1,n
- b(i) = 0.0e0
- 20 continue
- do 30 i = 1,n
- call axpy(a,n,ia,ja,i,1,n,x(i),b)
- 30 continue
- c
- c l*x when l is unit lower
- c
- 35 continue
- if( job .ne. 2 ) go to 45
- do 40 i = 1,n
- b(i) = x(i) + dot(a,n,ia,ja,i,1,i-1,x)
- 40 continue
- c
- c trans(l)*x when l is unit lower
- c
- 45 continue
- if( job .ne. -2 ) go to 55
- do 49 i = 1,n
- b(i) = x(i)
- 49 continue
- do 50 i = 1,n
- call axpy(a,n,ia,ja,i,i,n,x(i),b)
- 50 continue
- c
- c u*x
- c
- 55 continue
- if( job .ne. 3 ) go to 65
- do 60 i = 1,n
- b(i) = dot(a,n,ia,ja,i,i,n,x)
- 60 continue
- c
- c trans(u)*x
- c
- 65 continue
- if( job .ne. -3 ) go to 85
- do 70 i = 1,n
- b(i) = 0.0e0
- 70 continue
- do 80 i = 1,n
- call axpy(a,n,ia,ja,i,1,i,x(i),b)
- 80 continue
- 85 continue
- return
- end
- subroutine put(t,a,n,ia,ja,i,j)
- c
- integer n,ia(1),ja(1),i,j
- real t,a(1)
- c
- c this routine will insert an element into the sparse matrix
- c structure.
- c
- is = ia(i)
- ie = ia(i+1) - 1
- cc write(6,100)i,j,ia(i),ia(i+1)
- 100 format(' *** from put i,j,ia(i),ia(i+1) ',4i7)
- c
- c row i is from is to ie in array a.
- c
- do 10 k = is,ie
- if( j .gt. ja(k) ) go to 10
- if( j .ne. ja(k) ) go to 5
- a(k) = t
- go to 20
- 5 continue
- if( j .ge. ja(k) ) go to 12
- call insert(t,a,n,ia,ja,i,j,k)
- go to 20
- 12 continue
- 10 continue
- c
- c get here if should be at the end of a row.
- c
- k = ie + 1
- call insert(t,a,n,ia,ja,i,j,k)
- go to 30
- 20 continue
- 30 continue
- return
- end
- subroutine cgres(a,n,ia,ja,x,b,r)
- c
- integer n,ia(1),ja(1)
- real a(1),x(1),b(1),r(1)
- c
- c this routine computes a residual for a*x=b where
- c a is in a sparse structure
- c
- real dot
- do 10 i = 1,n
- r(i) = b(i) - dot(a,n,ia,ja,i,1,n,x)
- 10 continue
- return
- end
- subroutine ssol(a,n,ia,ja,b,job)
- c
- integer n,ia(1),ja(1),job
- real a(1),b(1)
- c
- c this routine solves a system of equations based on a sparse
- c matrix date structure.
- c the array b contains the right hand side on input
- c and on output has the solution
- c
- c job has the value 1 if l*x = b is to be solved.
- c job has the value -1 if trans(l)*x = b is to be solved.
- c job has the value 2 if u*x = b is to be solved.
- c job has the value -2 if trans(u)*x = b is to be solved.
- c
- logical locate
- real t
- real dot
- c
- c job = 1 solve l*x = b
- c
- if( job .ne. 1 ) go to 15
- c
- c solve l*y=b
- c
- do 10 i = 2,n
- b(i) = b(i) - dot(a,n,ia,ja,i,1,i-1,b)
- 10 continue
- 15 continue
- if( job .ne. 2 ) go to 25
- c
- c solve u*x=y
- c
- do 20 ib = 1,n
- i = n - ib + 1
- t = dot(a,n,ia,ja,i,i+1,n,b)
- if( .not. locate(a,n,ia,ja,i,i,k) ) go to 30
- b(i) = (b(i) - t)/a(k)
- 20 continue
- c
- c job = -2 solve trans(u)*x = b
- c
- 25 continue
- if( job .ne. -2 ) go to 35
- c
- c solve trans(u)*y=b
- c
- do 21 i = 1,n
- if( .not. locate(a,n,ia,ja,i,i,k) ) go to 30
- b(i) = b(i)/a(k)
- call axpy(a,n,ia,ja,i,i+1,n,-b(i),b)
- 21 continue
- c
- c solve trans(l)*x=y
- c
- 35 continue
- if( job .ne. -1 ) go to 45
- do 22 ib = 2,n
- i = n - ib + 2
- call axpy(a,n,ia,ja,i,1,i-1,-b(i),b)
- 22 continue
- 45 continue
- return
- 30 continue
- cc write(6,*)' error no diagonal element: from solve'
- return
- end
- subroutine saxpy(n,sa,sx,incx,sy,incy)
- c
- c constant times a vector plus a vector.
- c uses unrolled loop for increments equal to one.
- c jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.
- c
- real sx(1),sy(1),sa
- integer i,incx,incy,ix,iy,m,mp1,n
- c
- if(n.le.0)return
- if (sa .eq. 0.0) return
- if(incx.eq.1.and.incy.eq.1)go to 20
- c
- c code for unequal increments or equal increments
- c not equal to 1
- c
- ix = 1
- iy = 1
- if(incx.lt.0)ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1
- if(incy.lt.0)iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1
- do 10 i = 1,n
- sy(iy) = sy(iy) + sa*sx(ix)
- ix = ix + incx
- iy = iy + incy
- 10 continue
- return
- c
- c code for both increments equal to 1
- c
- c
- c clean-up loop
- c
- 20 m = mod(n,4)
- if( m .eq. 0 ) go to 40
- do 30 i = 1,m
- sy(i) = sy(i) + sa*sx(i)
- 30 continue
- if( n .lt. 4 ) return
- 40 mp1 = m + 1
- do 50 i = mp1,n,4
- sy(i) = sy(i) + sa*sx(i)
- sy(i + 1) = sy(i + 1) + sa*sx(i + 1)
- sy(i + 2) = sy(i + 2) + sa*sx(i + 2)
- sy(i + 3) = sy(i + 3) + sa*sx(i + 3)
- 50 continue
- return
- end
- subroutine scopy(n,sx,incx,sy,incy)
- c
- c copies a vector, x, to a vector, y.
- c uses unrolled loops for increments equal to 1.
- c jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.
- c
- real sx(1),sy(1)
- integer i,incx,incy,ix,iy,m,mp1,n
- c
- if(n.le.0)return
- if(incx.eq.1.and.incy.eq.1)go to 20
- c
- c code for unequal increments or equal increments
- c not equal to 1
- c
- ix = 1
- iy = 1
- if(incx.lt.0)ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1
- if(incy.lt.0)iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1
- do 10 i = 1,n
- sy(iy) = sx(ix)
- ix = ix + incx
- iy = iy + incy
- 10 continue
- return
- c
- c code for both increments equal to 1
- c
- c
- c clean-up loop
- c
- 20 m = mod(n,7)
- if( m .eq. 0 ) go to 40
- do 30 i = 1,m
- sy(i) = sx(i)
- 30 continue
- if( n .lt. 7 ) return
- 40 mp1 = m + 1
- do 50 i = mp1,n,7
- sy(i) = sx(i)
- sy(i + 1) = sx(i + 1)
- sy(i + 2) = sx(i + 2)
- sy(i + 3) = sx(i + 3)
- sy(i + 4) = sx(i + 4)
- sy(i + 5) = sx(i + 5)
- sy(i + 6) = sx(i + 6)
- 50 continue
- return
- end
- real function sdot(n,sx,incx,sy,incy)
- c
- c forms the dot product of two vectors.
- c uses unrolled loops for increments equal to one.
- c jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.
- c
- real sx(1),sy(1),stemp
- integer i,incx,incy,ix,iy,m,mp1,n
- c
- stemp = 0.0e0
- sdot = 0.0e0
- if(n.le.0)return
- if(incx.eq.1.and.incy.eq.1)go to 20
- c
- c code for unequal increments or equal increments
- c not equal to 1
- c
- ix = 1
- iy = 1
- if(incx.lt.0)ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1
- if(incy.lt.0)iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1
- do 10 i = 1,n
- stemp = stemp + sx(ix)*sy(iy)
- ix = ix + incx
- iy = iy + incy
- 10 continue
- sdot = stemp
- return
- c
- c code for both increments equal to 1
- c
- c
- c clean-up loop
- c
- 20 m = mod(n,5)
- if( m .eq. 0 ) go to 40
- do 30 i = 1,m
- stemp = stemp + sx(i)*sy(i)
- 30 continue
- if( n .lt. 5 ) go to 60
- 40 mp1 = m + 1
- do 50 i = mp1,n,5
- stemp = stemp + sx(i)*sy(i) + sx(i + 1)*sy(i + 1) +
- * sx(i + 2)*sy(i + 2) + sx(i + 3)*sy(i + 3) + sx(i + 4)*sy(i + 4)
- 50 continue
- 60 sdot = stemp
- return
- end
- integer function isamax(n,sx,incx)
- c
- c finds the index of element having max. absolute value.
- c jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.
- c
- real sx(1),smax
- integer i,incx,ix,n
- c
- isamax = 0
- if( n .lt. 1 ) return
- isamax = 1
- if(n.eq.1)return
- if(incx.eq.1)go to 20
- c
- c code for increment not equal to 1
- c
- ix = 1
- smax = abs(sx(1))
- ix = ix + incx
- do 10 i = 2,n
- if(abs(sx(ix)).le.smax) go to 5
- isamax = i
- smax = abs(sx(ix))
- 5 ix = ix + incx
- 10 continue
- return
- c
- c code for increment equal to 1
- c
- 20 smax = abs(sx(1))
- do 30 i = 2,n
- if(abs(sx(i)).le.smax) go to 30
- isamax = i
- smax = abs(sx(i))
- 30 continue
- return
- end
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