- function [x,OPTIONS] = fminu(FUN,x,OPTIONS,GRADFUN,varargin)
- %多元函数极值拟牛顿法,适用于光滑函数优化�
- %x=fminu('fun',x0)牛顿法求多元函数y=f(x)在x0出发的局部极小值点�
- % 这里 x,x0均为向量。
- %x=fminu('fun',x0,options)输入options是优化中算法参数向量设置,
- % 用help foptions可看到各分量的含义。
- %x=fminu('fun',x0,options,'grad') grad给定f(x)的梯度函数表达式?杉涌旒扑闼俣取�
- %x=fminu('fun',x0,options,'grad',p1,p2…)p1,p2,..是表示fun的M函数中的参数。
- %例题 求f(x)=100(x2-x1^2)^2+(1-x1)^2在[-1.2,1]附近的极小值。
- % 先写M函数optfun1.m
- % function f=optfun1(x)
- % f=100*(x(2)-x(1).^2).^2+(1-x(1)).^2
- % 求解
- % clear;
- % x=[-1.2,1];
- % [x,options]=fminu('optfun1',x,options);
- % x,options(8)
- %
- %FMINU Finds the minimum of a function of several variables.
- % X=FMINU('FUN',X0) starts at the matrix X0 and finds a minimum to the
- % function which is described in FUN (usually an M-file: FUN.M).
- % The function 'FUN' should return a scalar function value: F=FUN(X).
- %
- % X=FMINU('FUN',X0,OPTIONS) allows a vector of optional parameters to
- % be defined. OPTIONS(1) controls how much display output is given; set
- % to 1 for a tabular display of results, (default is no display: 0).
- % OPTIONS(2) is a measure of the precision required for the values of
- % X at the solution. OPTIONS(3) is a measure of the precision
- % required of the objective function at the solution.
- % For more information type HELP FOPTIONS.
- %
- % X=FMINU('FUN',X0,OPTIONS,'GRADFUN') enables a function'GRADFUN'
- % to be entered which returns the partial derivatives of the function,
- % df/dX, at the point X: gf = GRADFUN(X).
- %
- % X=FMINU('FUN',X0,OPTIONS,'GRADFUN',P1,P2,...) passes the problem-
- % dependent parameters P1,P2,... directly to the functions FUN
- % and GRADFUN: FUN(X,P1,P2,...) and GRADFUN(X,P1,P2,...). Pass
- % empty matrices for OPTIONS, and 'GRADFUN' to use the default
- % values.
- %
- % [X,OPTIONS]=FMINU('FUN',X0,...) returns the parameters used in the
- % optimization method. For example, options(10) contains the number
- % of function evaluations used.
- %
- % The default algorithm is the BFGS Quasi-Newton method with a
- % mixed quadratic and cubic line search procedure.
- % Copyright (c) 1990-98 by The MathWorks, Inc.
- % Revision:1.27 Date:1997/11/2901:23:11
- % Andy Grace 7-9-90.
- % ------------Initialization----------------
- XOUT=x(:);
- nvars=length(XOUT);
- if nargin < 2, error('fminu requires two input arguments');end
- if nargin < 3, OPTIONS=[]; end
- if nargin < 4, GRADFUN=[]; end
- % Convert to inline function as needed.
- if ~isempty(FUN)
- [funfcn, msg] = fcnchk(FUN,length(varargin));
- if ~isempty(msg)
- error(msg);
- end
- else
- error('FUN must be a function name or valid expression.')
- end
- if ~isempty(GRADFUN)
- [gradfcn, msg] = fcnchk(GRADFUN,length(varargin));
- if ~isempty(msg)
- error(msg);
- end
- else
- gradfcn = [];
- end
- f = feval(funfcn,x,varargin{:});
- n = length(XOUT);
- GRAD=zeros(nvars,1);
- MATX=zeros(3,1);
- MATL=[f;0;0];
- OLDF=f;
- CHG = 1e-7*abs(XOUT)+1e-7*ones(nvars,1);
- SD = zeros(nvars,1);
- diff = zeros(nvars,1);
- PCNT = 0;
- how = '';
- OPTIONS(10)=2; % Function evaluation count (add 1 for last evaluation)
- status =-1;
- while status ~= 1
- % Work Out Gradients
- if isempty(gradfcn) | OPTIONS(9)
- OLDF=f;
- % Finite difference perturbation levels
- % First check perturbation level is not less than search direction.
- f = find(10*abs(CHG)>abs(SD));
- CHG(f) = -0.1*SD(f);
- % Ensure within user-defined limits
- CHG = sign(CHG+eps).*min(max(abs(CHG),OPTIONS(16)),OPTIONS(17));
- for gcnt=1:nvars
- XOUT(gcnt,1)=XOUT(gcnt)+CHG(gcnt);
- x(:) = XOUT;
- f = feval(funfcn,x,varargin{:});
- GRAD(gcnt)=(f-OLDF)/(CHG(gcnt));
- if f < OLDF
- OLDF=f;
- else
- XOUT(gcnt)=XOUT(gcnt)-CHG(gcnt);
- end
- end
- % Try to set difference to 1e-8 for next iteration
- % Add eps for machines that can't handle divide by zero.
- CHG = 1e-8./(GRAD + eps);
- f = OLDF;
- OPTIONS(10)=OPTIONS(10)+nvars;
- % Gradient check
- if OPTIONS(9) == 1
- x(:)=XOUT;
- GRAD(:) = feval(gradfcn,x,varargin{:});
- if isa(gradfcn,'inline')
- graderr(GRADFD, GRAD, formula(gradfcn));
- else
- graderr(GRADFD, GRAD, gradfcn);
- end
- OPTIONS(9) = 0;
- end
- else
- OPTIONS(11)=OPTIONS(11)+1;
- x(:)=XOUT;
- GRAD(:) = feval(gradfcn,x,varargin{:});
- end
- %---------------Initialization of Search Direction------------------
- if status == -1
- % For initial step-size guess assume the minimum is at zero.
- OPTIONS(18) = max(0.001, min([1,2*abs(f/GDOLD)]));
- if OPTIONS(1)>0
- disp([sprintf('%5.0f %12.6g %12.6g ',OPTIONS(10),f,OPTIONS(18)),sprintf('%12.3g ',GDOLD)]);
- end
- status=4;
- if OPTIONS(7)==0; PCNT=1; end
- else
- %-------------Direction Update------------------
- gdnew=GRAD'*SD;
- if OPTIONS(1)>0,
- num=[sprintf('%5.0f %12.6g %12.6g ',OPTIONS(10),f,OPTIONS(18)),sprintf('%12.3g ',gdnew)];
- end
- if (gdnew>0 & f>FIRSTF)|~finite(f)
- % Case 1: New function is bigger than last and gradient w.r.t. SD -ve
- % ...interpolate.
- how='inter';
- [stepsize]=cubici1(f,FIRSTF,gdnew,GDOLD,OPTIONS(18));
- if stepsize<0|isnan(stepsize), stepsize=OPTIONS(18)/2; how='C1f '; end
- if OPTIONS(18)<0.1&OPTIONS(6)==0
- if stepsize*norm(SD)<eps
- stepsize=exp(rand(1,1)-1)-0.1;
- status=0;
- else
- stepsize=stepsize/2;
- end
- end
- OPTIONS(18)=stepsize;
- elseif f<FIRSTF
- [newstep,fbest] =cubici3(f,FIRSTF,gdnew,GDOLD,OPTIONS(18));
- if sk>1e-20
- % Case 2: New function less than old fun. and OK for updating HESS
- % .... update and calculate new direction.
- how='';
- if gdnew<0
- how='incstep';
- if newstep<OPTIONS(18), newstep=2*OPTIONS(18)+1e-5; how=[how,' IF']; end
- OPTIONS(18)=min([max([2,1.5*OPTIONS(18)]),1+sk+abs(gdnew)+max([0,OPTIONS(18)-1]), (1.2+0.3*(~OPTIONS(7)))*abs(newstep)]);
- else % gdnew>0
- if OPTIONS(18)>0.9
- how='int_st';
- OPTIONS(18)=min([1,abs(newstep)]);
- end
- end %if gdnew
- gdnew=GRAD'*SD;
- status=4;
- % Save Variables for next update
- GDOLD=gdnew;
- % If mixed interpolation set PCNT
- if OPTIONS(7)==0, PCNT=1; MATX=zeros(3,1); MATL(1)=f; end
- elseif gdnew>0 %sk<=0
- % Case 3: No good for updating HESSIAN .. interpolate or halve step length.
- how='inter_st';
- if OPTIONS(18)>0.01
- OPTIONS(18)=0.9*newstep;
- end
- if OPTIONS(18)>1, OPTIONS(18)=1; end
- else
- % Increase step, replace starting point
- OPTIONS(18)=max([min([newstep-OPTIONS(18),3]),0.5*OPTIONS(18)]);
- how='incst2';
- end % if sk>
- % Case 4: New function bigger than old but gradient in on
- % ...reduce step length.
- else %gdnew<0 & F>FIRSTF
- if gdnew<0&f>FIRSTF
- how='red_step';
- if norm(GRAD-OLDG)<1e-10; HESS=eye(nvars); end
- if abs(OPTIONS(18))<eps
- SD=norm(nvars,1)*(rand(nvars,1)-0.5);
- OPTIONS(18)=abs(rand(1,1)-0.5)*1e-6;
- how='RANDOM SD';
- else
- OPTIONS(18)=-OPTIONS(18)/2;
- end
- end %gdnew>0
- end % if (gdnew>0 & F>FIRSTF)|~finite(F)
- if isinf(OPTIONS(1))
- disp([num,how])
- elseif OPTIONS(1)>0
- disp(num)
- end
- end %----------End of Direction Update-------------------
- % Check Termination
- if max(abs(SD))<2*OPTIONS(2) & (-GRAD'*SD) < 2*OPTIONS(3)
- if OPTIONS(1) > 0
- disp('Optimization Terminated Successfully')
- disp(' Search direction less than 2*options(2)')
- disp(' Gradient in the search direction less than 2*options(3)')
- end
- status=1;
- elseif OPTIONS(10)>OPTIONS(14)
- if OPTIONS(1) >= 0
- disp('Maximum number of function evaluations exceeded;')
- disp(' increase options(14).')
- end
- status=1;
- else
- % Line search using mixed polynomial interpolation and extrapolation.
- if PCNT~=0
- while PCNT > 0 & OPTIONS(10) <= OPTIONS(14)
- x(:) = XOUT;
- f = feval(funfcn,x,varargin{:});
- OPTIONS(10)=OPTIONS(10)+1;
- [PCNT,MATL,MATX,steplen,f, how]=searchq(PCNT,f,OLDX,MATL,MATX,SD,GDOLD,OPTIONS(18), how);
- OPTIONS(18)=steplen;
- XOUT=OLDX+steplen*SD;
- end
- if OPTIONS(10)>OPTIONS(14)
- if OPTIONS(1) >= 0
- disp('Maximum number of function evaluations exceeded;')
- disp(' increase options(14).')
- end
- status=1;
- end
- else
- x(:)=XOUT;
- f = feval(funfcn,x,varargin{:});
- OPTIONS(10)=OPTIONS(10)+1;
- end
- end
- end
- x(:)=XOUT;
- f = feval(funfcn,x,varargin{:});
- if f > FIRSTF
- x(:)=OLDX;
- else
- OPTIONS(8) = f;
- end
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