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[人工智能] 各种语言版本的遗传算法

发表于 2007-7-25 08:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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C,C++/Genetic algorithms (6)

GAGS genetic algorithm C++ class library
A genetic algorithm application generator and a class library writtenin C++. The application generator (written in Perl) creates a C++program which uses the class library given an ANSI C or C++ fitnessfunction as input. It also compiles it, runs it, saves the results, andpresents them using Gnuplot. The latest version of GAGS (v. 0.94e)includes a GUI written in Tcl/Tk. The GAGS package is available assource code written in C++ and can be compiled using gcc 2.7.1 orlater. It is documented in user's and programmer's manuals available inPostScript format.
Submitted Jan 11, 2000        
Updated Mar 13, 2006
by lessore

Genetic Algorithm Utility Library (GAUL)
The Genetic Algorithm Utility Library (or, GAUL for short) is an opensource programming library, released under the GNU General PublicLicense. It is designed to aid in the development of applications thatuse of evolutionary algorithms. Additional stochastic algorithms areprovided for comparison to the genetic algorithms. Much of thefunctionality is also available through a simple S-Lang scriptinginterface.      
Submitted Dec 20, 1999        
Updated Sep 03, 2004
by Stewart

A C++ library that provides the application programmer with a set ofgenetic algorithm objects. It includes tools for using geneticalgorithms to do optimization in any C++ program. The features includeoverlapping and non-overlapping populations, the capability of buildingchromosomes from any C++ data type, built-in termination methods, twospeciation methods, optional elitism, several built-in chromosome typesand replacement strategies, and much more. This can be compiled usingthe GCC/G++ compiler on Linux platforms.      
Submitted Jan 11, 2000

The Genetic Programming Kernel is an easy-to-use C++ class library forperforming genetic programming tasks. The algorithm is based on simplegenetic algorithms (GAs) over context-free languages. It can handle anygrammar available in a file in its Backus-Naur-Form, with the userhaving to add only an appropriate interpreter.      
Submitted Jan 11, 2000        
Updated Nov 27, 2006
by serg

REGAL is a distributed genetic algorithm-based system, designed forlearning First Order Logic concept descriptions from examples. REGAL isbased on a selection operator, called Universal Suffrage operator,provably allowing the population to asymptotically converge, onaverage, to an equilibrium state, in which several species coexist.      
Submitted Nov 23, 1999        
Updated Mar 24, 2006
by Nacho Lopez

The ROBotics Object Oriented Package is an object-oriented C++ libraryfor robotics synthesis and simulation. There are also graphics andmiscellaneous classes, with the latter containing routines forintegrating ODEs using Runge-Kutta schemes. A source code distributionof ROBOOP is available. It is documented in a user's manual availablein the usual formats.      
Submitted Jan 16, 2000        
Updated Jan 06, 2004

[ 本帖最后由 frogfish 于 2007-7-25 08:47 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-25 08:40 | 显示全部楼层
Excel/Genetic algorithms (5)

Suite of 8 non gradient based optimizers for Excel including GeneticAlgorithms, Simulated Annealing, and Coordinate Pattern Search.      
Submitted Jul 01, 2004         
by Matthew Graham        
Updated Apr 20, 2006by waldo

Evolver genetic algorithms
Evolver is an add-in tool for the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program,as well as a set of dynamic link libraries (DLLs) that can beincorporated into customized Windows programs. A genetic algorithm is amethod of performing search and optimization based on the concepts ofDarwinian evolution. Solutions to problems are coded into organisms andbred as populations.      
Submitted Aug 27, 1999
Updated Feb 20, 2007
by Namibia Kaye

PIKAIA genetic algorithm for Excel VBA
PIKAIA is a general purpose function optimization subroutine based on agenetic algorithm. PIKAIA was originally developed in Fortran byCharbonneau and Knapp. Greg Pelletier translated the PIKAIA algorithminto Excel's VBA language for use in a water quality modelingframework. An application of the PIKAIA algorithm for modeling of waterquality in streams and rivers is also available at this Web page.  Submitted Jan 29, 2005         
by Greg Pelletier        
Updated Apr 20, 2006
by waldo

GenetikSolver is an add-in for MS-Excel. It uses real-coded genetic algorithm to solve optimization problems.      
Submitted Apr 21, 2006         
by Noyan Turkkan        
Updated Apr 26, 2006

xl bit - affordable genetic algorithm addin for Excel
xl bit can cater for unlimited variables in one optimization problem. User can determine secondary fitness function to optimize.      
Submitted Sep 08, 2006         
by Choong Koon Wai        

[ 本帖最后由 frogfish 于 2007-7-25 08:48 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-25 08:43 | 显示全部楼层
Fortran/Genetic algorithms (4)

Fortran Genetic Algorithm Source Code
This is some Fortran90 source code for a simple gentic algorithm. It isfree to use and modify at will and would be useful for people who needa kick start into coding GAs.        
Submitted Mar 25, 2000        
Updated Dec 13, 2005
by ZhangFeng

FORTRAN Genetic Algorithm
This genetic algorithm (GA) driver is free for public use. My onlyrequest is that the user reference and/or acknowledge the use of thisdriver in any papers/reports/articles which have results obtained fromthe use of this driver.      
Submitted Mar 25, 2000

MyGa : a genetic algorithm in Fortran
A Fortran 77 source code of a genetic algorithm using a floating point coding. User guide only availble in French.         
Submitted Feb 10, 2003

Orbital Mechanics Fortran Toolbox
This web site contains Fortran 77 and Fortran 90 subroutines andfunctions that can be used to solve a variety of practical problems inorbital mechanics, including: Convert a calendar date to a Julian date,Convert a Julian date to a calendar date, Convert an ECI state vectorto classical orbital elements Convert classical orbital elements to anECI state vector, Convert geocentric coordinates to geodeticcoordinates, Danby's solution of Kepler's equation, Kozai orbitpropagation - ECI version, Kozai orbit propagation - ECF version,Two-body orbital motion - Shepperd's method, Two-body orbital motion -Danby/Stumpff method, First-order equations of orbital motion (J2gravity), Ephemeris of the planets - Meeus algorithm, Ephemeris of theSun - LPPF algorithm, Ephemeris of the Moon - LPPF algorithm, Greenwichapparent sidereal time, Trig, vector and numerical analysis utilityroutines.      
Submitted Feb 29, 2000        
Updated Jan 06, 2004

[ 本帖最后由 frogfish 于 2007-7-25 08:48 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-25 08:46 | 显示全部楼层
IDL+PVWave/Genetic algorithms (4)

Making viewgraphs
IDL has the ability to make high quality viewgraphs and other graphicsif it is used properly. Information on how to do this is included onthis page. A number of utilities are available to S1R IDL users thatare of interest.      
Submitted Jan 05, 2000        
Updated Dec 26, 1999

Using psinit, a PostScript utility
The most basic way to redirect IDL graphics to a PostScript printer isto do set_plot, 'ps' to set IDL to PostScript mode. The output may becontrolled using the device procedure to do things like specify a filename, set page positions and a number of other things.      
Submitted Jan 05, 2000        
Updated Dec 26, 1999

Conversion of vectors
This is a conversion of vectors between Rectangular and Polar forms.      
Submitted Jan 05, 2000        
Updated Dec 26, 1999

Some basic vector operations in IDL
Some basic vector operations will be described using IDL. They areeasily translated to other languages. Vectors in IDL may be defined asA = [Ax,Ay] for 2-d, and A = [Ax,Ay,Az] for 3-d.      
Submitted Jan 05, 2000   
Updated Dec 26, 1999

[ 本帖最后由 frogfish 于 2007-7-25 08:49 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-25 08:58 | 显示全部楼层
Java/Genetic algorithms (28)

Travelling Salesman Problem
An applet showing a solution of the Traveling Salesman Problem using a GA.      
Submitted Nov 21, 1999        

Genetic Java
This applet is designed to be a tool by which interested people canlearn some of the basics of genetic algorithms (GAs) while being ableto experiment with a real GA. Users can select values for the GA'ssearch parameters and can modify the parameters while the GA is runningto see the real-time effects.
Submitted Dec 10, 1999        
Updated Jan 08, 2007
by undo_zuo

This is a demonstration of the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP). The applet uses a genetic algorithm.      
Submitted Dec 10, 1999        

Genetic Algorithms Archives
The Genetic Algorithms Archive is a repository for information relatedto research in genetic algorithms. Available from this site are pastissues of the GA-List digest, source code for many GA implementations,and announcements about GA-related conferences. Also, links are givento many interesting sites around the World with material related toevolutionary computation. This archive is maintained by Alan C. Schultzat The Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence.        
Submitted Dec 10, 1999        
Updated Dec 07, 2006
by Pameet Singh

GA Example (1D - Minimum of function)
As you already know from the chapter about search space, problemsolving can often be expressed as looking for the extreme of afunction. This is exactly what the problem shown here is. Some functionis given and the GA tries to find the minimum of the function. Forother problems we just have to define a search space and the fitnessfunction which means to define the function, which we want to find theextreme for.      
Submitted Nov 21, 1999        

The GA Playground
The GA Playground is a general purpose genetic algorithm toolkit wherethe user can define and run his own optimization problems. The toolkitis implemented in the Java language, and requires (when used as anapplication, in its full mode), a Java compiler and a very basicprogramming knowledge (just enough for coding a fitness function).Defining a problem consists of creating an Ascii definition file in aformat similar to Windows Ini files, and modifying the fitness functionin the GaaFunction source file. In addition, other methods can(optionally) be overwritten (e.g. the drawing method), other classescan be extended or replaced, and additional input can be suppliedthrough Ascii files.      
Submitted Nov 22, 1999        

GA Optimizer
A demo of using a GA in a 3D function with two variables.      
Submitted Nov 22, 1999        

Java-Solitaire: Play or find solutions with a genetic algorithm!
With this applet you can play Peg-solitaire on one hand: Open asolitaire-window with the button play your game and use your mouse andthe buttons to move, go back and forth through the historyof moves or let rerun the whole game. On the other hand, you can letthe applet search a solution. This is not a built-in, predefinedsolution, but sought in real-time; it takes some minutes (As soon asthe applets download to your browser has completed, you may cut theline to your provider, as the connection isn't required any longer).      
Submitted Dec 15, 1999        
Updated Dec 03, 2006

Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows
An applet showing a solution of the Vehicle Routing Problem with TimeWindows using a GA. Demo of a JAVA based library to perform tour andresource optimization tasks. Based upon genetic algorithms fordifferent industries.      
Submitted Mar 21, 2006         
by Vincent Mayer        
  Updated Mar 22, 2006

Genetic Drift
Simple Java simulations of basic population genetic processes.      
Submitted Dec 10, 1999        

Biomorph is an educational applet that aims to teach the basicprinciples of evolution: random mutation followed by non-randomselection. It is derived from an algorithm described by ProfessorRichard Dawkins in Artificial Life and The Blind Watchmaker.
Submitted Dec 10, 1999        

Java/C Symbolic Regression Applet
A lean implementation of Symbolic Regression in C (sourcecode available) and as a Java Applet.The resulting equations of the Symbolic Regression Applet are printedin a format compatible with the most spreadsheet-applications.      
Submitted Oct 01, 2004         
by Hannes Planatscher        
  Updated Oct 06, 2004

Lovebird Genetics Calculator
This program that was written in Java allows you to quickly calculatethe possible color combinations that can result from a pairing of anytwo peachfaced lovebirds.      
Submitted Dec 10, 1999        
  Updated Sep 10, 2004
by Wim Engels

N-genes is an evolutionary computing framework for Java5. It focuses onusability and performances. Genetic programing is implemented throughhigh-level stack-based language.      
Submitted Nov 19, 2005         
by Jean-Luc Falcone        
  Updated Nov 23, 2005

[url=http://lslwww.epfl.ch/%7Emoshes/Frederic/notunif1.html]Java Demonstration of the Synchronization Task[/url]
The applet demonstrates a cellular automaton (CA) evolved to solve thesynchronization task. In this task, the one-dimensional, binary-stateCA, upon given any initial configuration, must reach a finalconfiguration, within a given number of time steps, that oscillatesbetween all 0s and all 1s on successive time steps. The CA demonstratedwas evolved via the cellular programming evolutionary algorithm.      
Submitted Dec 10, 1999        

Bouncing ball
This applet illustrates a Bouncing ball. Source code is included.       Submitted Nov 04, 1999        
  Updated Mar 13, 2006
by roger

Free fall motion
Suppose you have never studied any Physics before. Your firstassignment is to investigate and describe a free fall motion. Thisapplet simulates a free fall motion.      
Submitted Nov 05, 1999        

Bouncing balls
Here's an applet that bounces some balls around in a box.      
Submitted Nov 04, 1999        

Vector Addition
You are given two vectors. You have to calculate the resultant vector (from their addition) and enter your results.      
Submitted Nov 04, 1999        

Projectile Motion
In this Java Applet a stone is being thrown from the top of a cliffwhich is 60 metres high to the ground below. You can change the valuefor the initial speed and the launch angle (Note: these must beintergral values).      
Submitted Nov 04, 1999        

Robotics Applets
These are applets for robotic navigation with constraints. You can laydown a collection of obstacles, design the shape of your own robot, andthe fix a starting point and finishing point.      
Submitted Nov 02, 1999        

Elastic Collisions in Two Dimensions
This applet illustrates elastic collisions of two point masses asdiscussed in Section 8.3. The masses are set equal to each other. Youcan view the results in both the lab's frame of reference or thecenter-of-mass frame of reference. As shown in example 8.3, knowing theratio of the projectile's final speed to its initial speed issufficient for determining both scattering angles.      
Submitted Nov 04, 1999        
  Updated Jun 03, 2005
by Gary Raab

Elastic Collisions in One Dimension
This simulation shows the collision between two particles. You canchange the mass and speeds of each particle using the scrollbars. Thebars at the top refer to the red particle, and those at the bottom tothe blue particle.      
Submitted Nov 04, 1999

Center of Mass
In this applet your can locate up to 20 different objects, each of different mass and find the center of mass.      
Submitted Nov 04, 1999         

Linear Motion with Uniform Acceleration
This simulation shows the position of a car which is accleratinguniformly as a function of time. You can change the speed and theaccleration of the car using the scrollbars. You also choose to draw aposition maker for the car as it moves, and/or a grid for measuring theposition.      
Submitted Nov 04, 1999        

Vector Components
You are given a vector. You have to calculate the x and y components of the vector and enter your results.      
Submitted Nov 04, 1999

Centripetal Acceleration
This is a simulation of the position of a car which is being driven at constant speed around a bend in the road.      
Submitted Nov 04, 1999        

Spoke Length Calculator
This applet illustrates Dan Halem's spoke length calculator.      
Submitted Nov 24, 1999
 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-25 09:02 | 显示全部楼层
MATLAB/Optimization/Genetic algorithms (11)

MathWorks - Genetic Algorithm and Direct Search Toolbox                                                                    
The Genetic Algorithm and Direct Search Toolbox extends theoptimization capabilities in MATLAB and the Optimization Toolbox withtools for using the genetic and direct search algorithms.
Submitted Jan 23, 2004        
Updated Mar 08, 2007
by mohammad

Free Online MathWorks Webinar: Genetic Algorithms & New Optimization Methods in MATLAB                                                                    
The Genetic Algorithm and Direct Search Toolbox provides both graphicaluser interfaces and command line tools for applying thesenontraditional optimization techniques, which augment the traditionalmethods found in the Optimization Toolbox. This webinar is appropriatefor those unfamiliar with MATLAB, as well as current MATLAB usersinterested in optimization.      
Submitted Oct 18, 2004        

GA Toolbox
A module that contains software routines for implementing genetic algorithms (GAs) and other evolutionary computing techniques.      
Submitted Jul 02, 1999        
  Updated Mar 23, 2005
by Ian Durkacz

Genetic Algorithm Optimization Toolbox
GAOT implements simulated evolution in the MATLAB environment usingboth binary and real representations. Ordered base representation hasalso been added to the toolbox. This implementation is very flexible inthe genetic operators, selection functions, termination functions aswell as the evaluation functions that can be used. The implementationis described in a technical paper.      
Submitted Jul 10, 1999        
  Updated Apr 11, 2005
by islam

Genetic Programming MATLAB Toolbox
Linear-in-parameters models are quite widespread in processengineering, e.g. NAARX, polynomial ARMA models, etc. GeneticProgramming (GP) is able to generate nonlinear input-output models ofdynamical systems that are represented in a tree structure. This GP-OLStoolbox applies Orthogonal Least Squares algorithm (OLS) to estimatethe contribution of the branches of the tree to the accuracy of themodel. This method results in more robust and interpretable models thanthe classical GP method.      
Submitted Mar 02, 2005         
by Janos Abonyi        
  Updated Mar 04, 2005

Welcome to the main page of the Genetic and Evolutionary AlgorithmToolbox (GEATbx) for use with MATLAB. The GEATbx is the mostcomprehensive implementation of Evolutionary Algorithms inMATLAB. A broad range of operators is fully integrated into oneenvironment constituting a powerful optimization tool applicable to awide range of problems.      
Submitted Jul 10, 1999        
  Updated Mar 10, 2004

Genetic Search Toolbox
The Genetic Search Toolbox provides an integrated environment forformulating and carrying out genetic searches. The toolbox containscommands for creating, manipulating, and destroying chromosomes,managing chromosome populations, selecting chromosomes based on avariety of criteria, and obtaining population statistics.        
Submitted Mar 16, 2004        
  Updated May 17, 2005
by ethem
Solver Platform SDK - Genetic Algorithm in MATLAB
The Solver Platform SDK gives MATLAB users access to a powerful hybridEvolutionary/Classical Solver that uses genetic algorithm methods suchas mutation, crossover, selection and constraint repair, but also usesdeterministic, gradient-free direct search methods, classicalgradient-based quasi-Newton methods, and even the Simplex method forlinear subsets of the constraints. This Solver handles optimizationproblems with hundreds of constraints, which are typically beyond thecapabilities of genetic and evolutionary algorithms alone.      
Submitted Mar 26, 2006         
by Daniel Fylstra        
  Updated Mar 27, 2006

Interactive Evolutionary Computing (EASY-IEC) MATLAB Toolbox
In some real-life optimization problems the objectives are oftennon-commensurable and are explicitly/mathematically not available.Interactive Evolutionary Computation (IEC) can effectively handle theseproblems. This approach has been implemented in this Easy-IEC Toolbox,which can be downloaded in two different versions.      
Submitted Mar 02, 2005         
by Janos Abonyi        
  Updated Mar 03, 2005

Lazy Learning Toolbox
Lazy learning (Aha, 1997) is a memory-based technique that postponesall the computation until an explicit request for a prediction isreceived. The request is fulfilled by interpolating locally theexamples considered relevant according to a distance measure. Eachprediction requires therefore a local modeling procedure that can beseen as composed of a structural and of a parametric identification.      
Submitted Jul 02, 1999        

SGALAB1003 Beta5 (Inc. NSGA-II)
what's new for SGALAB1003Beta51) NSGA-II ( SGALAB_demo_MO_NSGAII.m )2) Pareto front plot & show all Multi-Object Methods in SGALAB ( SGALAB_demo_MO_showall.m )3) documents updated4) plot bugs fixed for VEGA,MOGA,NSGA,NPGARun 'SGALAB_demo_*.m' to see the demos, and to modify the 'SGALAB_demo_*.m' as your main function for your applications%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%SGALAB 1003 Beta 4& run Demo files, is to run SGALAB_demo_*.m what's new:1) Multiple-Objective GAsVEGANSGANPGAMOGA2) More TSP mutation and Crossover methodsPMXOXCX EAXBoolmatrix3) More selection methodsTruncationtornamentstochastic4) mutation methodsbinary single pointint/real single point5) encoding/decoding methodsbinaryinteger/realmessygrayDNA permuation        
Submitted Mar 14, 2005         
by chenyi        
  Updated Jan 08, 2007
by Yi Chen

[ 本帖最后由 frogfish 于 2007-7-25 09:05 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-25 09:04 | 显示全部楼层
Other/Genetic algorithms (4)

Source Code Collection, GA Archive
This is an index of source code for implementations of geneticalgorithms and other EC methods. Many of these packages are archivedhere at GA Archive, others are maintained as links. This list is nowmaintained alphabetically, and by language.      
Submitted Jul 10, 1999        

The Genetic Algorithms Archive
The Genetic Algorithms Archive is a repository for information relatedto research in genetic algorithms. Available from this site are pastissues of the GA-List digest, source code for many GA implementations,and announcements about GA-related conferences. Also, links are givento many interesting sites around the world with material related toevolutionary computation.      
Submitted Jul 10, 1999

Hitch-Hiker's Guide to Evolutionary Computation
The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to Evolutionary Computation (FAQ for comp.ai.genetic).      
Submitted Jul 07, 1999         

Mechanical Engineer. Machine Desing, Dynamometer, IC Engine and more.
Site for students of Mechanical Engineer. Machine Desing, Dynamometer, IC Engine and many more.      
Submitted Sep 25, 2000        
 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-25 09:05 | 显示全部楼层
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