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[COMSOL] 关于femlab软件

发表于 2005-6-25 08:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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发表于 2005-6-25 11:42 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wdhd 于 2016-4-1 10:06 编辑


发表于 2005-7-19 15:57 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wdhd 于 2016-4-1 10:06 编辑

  FEMLAB is an interactive environment for model-ing and simulating scientific and engineering problems based on partial differential equations (PDEs)-equations that are the fundamental basis for the laws of science.

  With FEMLAB's multiphysics features, you can simultaneously model any combination of phys-ics. You choose from two modeling approaches. First, by taking advantage of ready-to-use application modes you can create a model by directly defining the physical quantities rather than the equations. Second, with equation-based modeling, you have the freedom to create custom equations. For multiphysics modeling, you can combine both approaches.

  FEMLAB offers CAD tools, interfaces for phys-ics or equation definitions, automatic mesh generation, equation solving, visualization and postprocessing-all in one integrated environment. With the package's MATLAB interface you can extend the FEMLAB models through a powerful technical programming environment. The combination of an easy-to-use graphical user interface and flexible programming capabilities makes FEMLAB an unprecedented package for multiphysics simulations.

  Application Areas

  The range of application areas for FEMLAB is extensive. Just a sampling of the areas where users rely on FEMLAB for modeling and simulations includes:

  l Acoustics

  l Bioscience

  l Chemical reactions

  l Diffusion

  l Electromagnetics

  l Fluid dynamics

  l Fuel cells

  l Earth sciences

  l Heat transfer

  l Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)

  l Microwave engineering

  l Optics

  l Photonics

  l Porous media flow

  l Quantum mechanics

  l Radio-frequency components

  l Semiconductor devices

  l Structural mechanics

  l Transport phenomena

  l Wave propagation
发表于 2005-7-19 15:57 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wdhd 于 2016-4-1 10:07 编辑

  Application Modes

  Although users can create a model from scratch by drawing the geometry, determining which equations to employ in the underlying physics and entering them into the software, in all but the most unusual cases that's not necessary. FEMLAB integrates within the core package a number of modes, which are templates that focus on a specific physics. Each of these modes is devoted to a single area of physics:

  l Acoustics

  l Convection-diffusion

  l Heat transfer

  l AC and DC electromagnetics

  l Electrostatics

  l Magnetostatics

  l Incompressible fluid flow (Navier-Stokes equations)

  l Structural mechanics

  l The Helmholtz equation

  l The Schr?dinger equation

  l The wave equation

  l General PDEs

  When you activate one of the modes from FEMLAB's user interface, all you need to do is draw the geometry, provide parameters for the underlying equations and initiate the solver. You can activate a mode/equation on all of your geometries or on parts of it, subdomains.

  Model Library

  As noted, the application modes are dedicated to a single field of physics. Most real-world prob-lems, however, involve the interaction of multiple fields. To help you understand how to let FEMLAB solve these interrelated problems as well as give you a starting point for your own modeling, the standard version of FEMLAB includes a disk-based Model Library with more than a hundred entries. These models, which are so detailed and useful that they deserve their own separate manual of several hundred pages, come in the following categories:

  l Acousticso Benchmark models

  l Chemical engineering

  l Electromagnetics

  l Equation-based models

  l Fluid dynamics

  l Earth sciences

  l Heat transfer

  l Multidisciplinary models

  l Multiphysics

  l Quantum mechanics

  l Semiconductor devices

  l Structural mechanics

  l Wave propagation

  In addition, the separate Chemical Engineering Module, Electromagnetics Module and Structural Mechanics Module contain their own collections of models targeted at their specific disciplines.

  These prewritten models, supplied in the form of ready-to-run files that you execute directly from the FEMLAB user interface, cover many classical problems and equations from various fields of science and engineering. You can adapt, expand and modify these models to suit your own requirements. Some of the models illustrate how to work with the application modes, but a large number of them help you understand how easy it is to perform multiphysics modeling. Indeed, FEMLAB's true power reveals itself best when you apply the software to the large-scale interdisciplinary problems for which we de-signed it.
发表于 2005-7-19 15:58 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wdhd 于 2016-4-1 10:07 编辑

  Specialized Modules

  A continually growing collection of specialized FEMLAB modules provide a comfortable working environment for modeling in a specific application area. The modules use standardized terminology, material libraries, specialized solvers and elements as well as appropriate visualization tools. At the same time, they are fully integrated with FEMLAB and each other. Each comes with a separate manual and model library, which provide solutions to a variety of field-specific prob-lems.

  For FEMLAB 3.0, the currently available modules are:

  o The Chemical Engineering Module-transport phenomena and chemical reactions in reactors and unit operations; heat transfer,mo-mentum transfer, and mass-transfer analysis

  o The Electromagnetics Module-wave propagation and mode analysis in microwave engi-neering and photonics, static and quasistatic electromagnetic field simulations

  o The Structural Mechanics Module-static, quasistatic, dynamic, eigenfrequency, para-metric and frequency-response analyses; beam, plate, shell and solid elements.

  FEMLAB in Research

  The ability to define and couple any number of nonlinear PDEs makes FEMLAB a unique tool for sophisticated modeling of cutting-edge applications. This flexibility and equation-based approach help FEMLAB users advance their research in MEMS, nanotechnology, fuel cells, photonics, biomedical engineering and many other areas.

  FEMLAB in Design and Development

  FEMLAB provides a fast, smooth modeling process perfectly suited for design and develop-ment. With its Java-based interface you can per-form modeling in minutes and quickly vary pa-

  rameters to optimize the design. The program's open structure and integration with MATLAB form a complete environment for system simulation and analysis.

  FEMLAB in Education

  FEMLAB models simulate and visualize applications from all fields of physics and engineering, and with its equation-based modeling approach educators can freely explore PDEs to any depth of detail. The package's flexibility and ease of use make it an efficient tool in education; using one software package minimizes the time spent learn-ing the modeling procedures for both teachers and students. Instead, they can focus on the applications and the results.


  With FEMLAB's interactive modeling environment you can build and analyze models from start to finish without the need to involve any other software packages; FEMLAB integrates tools that allow you to work efficiently at each step in the process, all within one consistent and easy-to-use graphical environment. It's easy to move back and forth between various stages such as setting up the geometry, defining the physics, creating a mesh, solving the model and doing postprocessing. The package's associative geometry feature preserves any boundary conditions and equations even if you change the geometry.

  The modeling procedure typically involves the following steps:

  1. Model the Geometry

  FEMLAB provides powerful CAD tools for creating 1D, 2D and 3D geometric objects using solid modeling. Work planes are useful for creating 2D profiles that you rotate, extrude and embed into 3D structures. You can also create geometry models directly with primi-tives such as circles, rectangles, blocks and spheres, and then use Boolean operations to form composite solid models.

  You can also base FEMLAB models on geometric models created in other software packages. Its geometry import and repair function supports the IGES file format in 3D, and the DXF file format in 2D. It's also possible to import 2D images in JPG, TIF and BMP formats and convert them into FEMLAB geometry objects, and in 3D you can do the same even with 3D MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) data. 1D, 2D, and 3D geometries can be mixed in the same model too. We call that Extended Multiphysics.

  2. Define the Physics

  Although it is possible to create a model entirely from scratch using the built-in CAD tool and by entering all the appropriate equations, FEMLAB makes this work much easier. You can instead define a model's phys-ical properties by using a variety of prede-fined application modes. Examples include viscosity and density in the Navier-Stokes equations, or conductivity and permittivity in electromagnetics. The properties can be isotropic or anisotropic; they can be functions of the modeled variables, the spatial coordinates and time.

  Consider the propagation of microwaves in a dielectric medium. The microwaves gener-ate heat, which in turn influences the physical properties of the medium. The wave-propagation problem is highly dependent on the heat transport problem and vice versa. The expressions for the physical properties depend on the material. In FEMLAB, you simply type them in as analytical functions of the modeled variables; just select from application-specific boundary and interface conditions to define the model.

  3. Generate the Finite-Element Mesh

  FEMLAB's mesh generators create triangular or tetrahedral unstructured meshes. Adaptive meshing automatically refines the mesh wherever needed to improve accuracy. In addition, you can control the mesh generator to resolve the geometry for successful analyses, for instance, by setting a maximum element length along a boundary
发表于 2005-7-19 15:58 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wdhd 于 2016-4-1 10:07 编辑

  4. Solve the Model

  You can run time-dependent or stationary simulations for linear and nonlinear systems. FEMLAB's solvers have been written from the ground up in C++ using the latest computational techniques, and they include state-of- the-art direct and iterative methods, multi-grid preprocessors, efficient time-stepping algorithms and eigenmode analysis.

  5. Visualize and Postprocess the Results

  FEMLAB provides extensive visualization capabilities, and among them are:

  o Interactive plotting of all field variables and other application-specific properties

  o Visualization of several solution proper- ties simultaneously using slices, isosurfaces, contours, streamlines, height and vector- field plots

  o High-performance graphics with OpenGL hardware acceleration

  o Animation using AVI and QuickTime

  o Integration along boundaries and sub- domains

  o Cross-section and domain plots for pro- jection of solution variables along surfaces and lines as well as plots of variations over time at any location in the geometry

  6. Perform Optimization and Parametric Analysis

  In most cases, the modeling process involves parametric analysis, optimization, iterative design, automatic control or the connection of several devices in one system. The par-ametric solver in FEMLAB offers the perfect way for examining a series of models, and the varied parameter typically represents a material property, frequency or reaction rate. With the MATLAB interface, you can save FEMLAB models as M-files and incorporate them as functions in MATLAB scripts for optimization or other postprocessing.

  Unlimited Multiphysics Combinations

  Beyond dealing with just one type of analysis, FEMLAB provides a multiphysics modeling and simulation environment for the coupling of phys-ics phenomena. You can build complex models by combining several of the package's integrated ready-to-use applications modes or using equation-based modeling. In both cases, FEMLAB lets you take all the couplings and dependencies into account.

  These multiphysics capabilities, for instance, might help in the analysis of coupled-field models, but they go much further. In engineering and science you can often use symmetries to describe the physics in a 1D or 2D model that you then connect to systems that require a 3D description. With the extended multiphysics features of FEMLAB, you can freely couple systems in different dimensions into a single model. With the new powerful computational engine and user interface in FEMLAB 3.0, you can simulate faster and better than ever.
发表于 2005-7-19 16:01 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wdhd 于 2016-4-1 10:08 编辑


发表于 2006-6-10 13:31 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wdhd 于 2016-4-1 10:08 编辑

发表于 2006-6-10 18:41 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-6-27 09:17 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wdhd 于 2016-4-1 10:08 编辑


发表于 2006-7-8 13:52 | 显示全部楼层
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