我是按照以前帖子的方法添加的,把hosa这个目录拷到E:\MATLAB7\toolbox下面,然后用addpath E:\MATLAB7\toolbox\hosa加载,
最后用>> which tls.m检验是否可以访问,结果提示'tls.m' not found.这个m文件就是在工具箱中,我也很不明白!
我看到下载附带的的txt文本中提示“There are three steps to installing the HOSA toolbox.
(a) Download the SETUP.EXE file to your machine.
(b) Extract folders from SETUP.EXE
(c) Set MATLAB path so that the HOSA toolbox is included in MATLAB'S
search path, and the documentation is available from the Launch Pad.”
但是找不到SETUP.EXE 这个文件,请高手帮帮小女子吧!!