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[阅读写作] [转帖]Using Endnote with LATEX/BibTEX

发表于 2006-1-17 20:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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<P>// <a href="http://www.cvrti.utah.edu/~macleod/litbase/endnote.html" target="_blank" >http://www.cvrti.utah.edu/~macleod/litbase/endnote.html</A><BR>// 如何在EndNote和BibTeX之间导入参考文献数据库<BR>// 其他的信息可以在EndNote的Help的Import Reference Data-&gt;Importing References<BR>// From Other Bibliographic Software Programs中找到</P>
<P>Using Endnote with LATEX/BibTEX</P>
<P>Rob MacLeod (<a href="mailtmacleod@cvrti.utah.edu" target="_blank" >macleod@cvrti.utah.edu</A>)</P>
<P>1 EndNote to BibTEX<BR>2 BibTEX to EndNote<BR>3 Using EndNote files directly with BibTEX</P>
<P>About this document ...<BR>EndNote is a nice program on PCs and Macs for managing a database of literature<BR>references. There are ways to move records in and out of EndNote so that we sane<BR> people who use LATEX and BibTEX can benefit from the user friendly entry of End<BR>Note references. Here I describe what I have learned so far about this topic.</P>
<P>A good place to look for more information is the EndNote web cite at <a href="http://www.endnote" target="_blank" >www.endnote</A><BR>.com/.</P>
<P><BR>1 EndNote to BibTEX<BR>To extract EndNote references into a BibTEX format, you can simply create or use<BR> an existing output format from within EndNote and the result should be somethin<BR>g BibTEX can handle. There is a section in the Support and Services section abou<BR>t downloading style files and here you can find a style file for BibTEX format.<BR>Insert this file into wherever you keep styles on your Mac/PC and then you can u<BR>se this style to create an output file that BibTEX should read.</P>
<P><BR>2 BibTEX to EndNote<BR>We often want to share references with our unfortunate colleagues who have to us<BR>e a Mac/PC based WYSIWYG text processing program (aka MS Word). To do this, ther<BR>e is a BibTEX style file that creates output that EndNote can import. The steps<BR>are as follows:</P>
<P>Make sure you have a copy someplace where BibTEX can find it of the style file c<BR>alled refer.bst. You can download this from EndNote's ftp cite at <a href="ftp://ftp.endnote.co" target="_blank" >ftp.endnote.co</A><BR>m/pub/bibtex/. If you are on CVRTI machines, we have it already. On the SCI mach<BR>ines, you can find the file at ~macleod/tex/bibtex/refer.bst.<BR>Make up a LATEX file with citations for all the references you want to export. I<BR>f you include the command nocite* in the document, it will actually extract ever<BR>y reference from your BibTEX file so this is an easy way to export an entire fil<BR>e.<BR>In the LATEX file, include the usual {\bibliographystyle} command, but as an arg<BR>ument, provide ``refer'', so the command looks like this</P>
<P>             \bibliographystyle{refer}</P>
<P>Run LATEX on the file.<BR>Run BibTEX on the file.<BR>The result of these two steps will be a file with the extension .bbl that contai<BR>ns the desired bibliography records in a format that EndNote can export. It is t<BR>he standard ASCII format for EndNote.<BR>Copy the file to your Mac/PC (use ftp or something that converts the file from U<BR>nix to Mac or PC format).<BR>Open EndNote and then select ``Import'' and the Import Option called ``Refer/Bib<BR>IX'' and then EndNote should be able to import it into an existing or new endnot<BR>e database file.<BR>Now to actually replace \cite commands with the required tags in EndNote, you wi<BR>ll have to do some manual work. It should be possible to write an awk/perl scrip<BR>t that will make a good attempt at guessing at tags, but this will probably not<BR>work completely as the EndNote tags seem to include things that only EndNote can<BR> know, such as the reference # of the entry in the EndNote database. At present<BR>then, you will have to manually hunt for references and replace them with the on<BR>es from the EndNote database. If you have used a sensible naming scheme for the<BR>keys in your BibTEX database (e.g., the one I made up!), then this will not be s<BR>o bad. EndNote uses the first author's last name and the publication year as par<BR>ts of the key so if that matches in some way the naming scheme in BibTEX, then s<BR>earching is at least facilitated. When in doubt about a match, note that there i<BR>s a field called ``Label'' in the EndNote database that should contain the key f<BR>ield from the original BibTEX entry.</P>
<P><BR>3 Using EndNote files directly with BibTEX<BR>There are some programs out there that will allow you to read EndNote files dire<BR>ctly and use them with BibTEX. I have not tested any of them and so cannot say a<BR>nything useful about them other than supply the pointer to the EndNote ftp site<BR>(<a href="ftp://ftp.endnote.com/pub/bibtex/" target="_blank" >ftp.endnote.com/pub/bibtex/</A>). Have fun and let me know what you learn.<BR></P>

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