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楼主: prdkmzq

ABAQUS 6.8-1 在opensuse 10.3上的完美表现

发表于 2009-8-18 18:49 | 显示全部楼层


我的也是在opensuse10.3下装的。现在能用。便是安装的时候有这个。:我在sled10.2上也装了。但是每次关掉abaqus cae电脑会注消。
Abaqus Product Install Verification...

Mon Aug 17 18:03:22 2009

Running system requirement checks.

Requirement:    SuSE 9.3, 10.0, 10.1 or 10.2, SuSE Enterprise Linux 9.0 or
                10.0, SuSE Enterprise Desktop 10, Red Hat Enterprise 3.0,
                4.0 or 5.0, or Fedora Core 6.0
Product:        All Abaqus Products
Status:         Fail - Found openSUSE 10.3 (i586)

Requirement:    GNU Lib C 2.3.2 or greater
Product:        All Abaqus Products
Status:         Pass - Found GNU Lib C 2.6.1, which was installed with

Requirement:    Linux Kernel 2.4.20 or newer
Product:        All Abaqus Products
Status:         Pass - Found Linux Kernel

Requirement:    GNU Compiler Suite 3.2 or later
Product:        Abaqus make utility with C++ and Abaqus make utility with
                Fortran and Abaqus with user subroutines
Status:         Pass - Found gcc version 4.2.1

Requirement:    Intel C++ Compiler 9.1 or 10.1
Product:        Abaqus make utility with C++
Status:         Pass - Found Intel C++ Compiler 10.1 Build 20090615 Package
                ID l_cc_p_10.1.023.

Requirement:    Intel Fortran Compiler 9.1 or 10.1
Product:        Abaqus make utility with Fortran and Abaqus with user
Status:         Warning - Found Intel Fortran Compiler 11.1 Build 20090511
                Package ID l_cprof_p_11.1.038, which is newer than the
                published Abaqus requirement at the time this version was
                released.  Later minor releases of a published requirement
                are generally compatible with Abaqus.  Please check the
                system requirements web page for the latest information on
                supported configurations.

Requirement:    HP-MPI
Product:        Abaqus analyses using MPI-based parallelization
Status:         Pass - Found HP MPI

Requirement:    Mesa 4.3.0 or greater
Product:        Abaqus/CAE and Abaqus/Viewer
Status:         Pass - Found Mesa 7.0.1

Requirement:    X server must be configured to use OpenGL.
Product:        Abaqus/CAE and Abaqus/Viewer
Status:         Pass - X server is configured to use OpenGL.

Requirement:    Netscape 7.0, Mozilla 1.2, Firefox 1.0.1, or greater
Product:        Abaqus Documentation
Status:         Pass - Found Firefox

ERROR: No Abaqus products were verified because system requirements
       affecting 'All Abaqus Products' were not met. Exiting verification
后来我改了个abaqus安装盘中的一个文件.xml的文件。我在做系统检查时。/setup -sysinfo 时有以下的信息。

Checking system requirements for Abaqus.  This will
take just a moment...
Checking for GNU Lib C version 2.3.2 or newer.
Pass - Found GNU Lib C Version 2.6.1.

Running system configuration checks for Linux/x86-32.
Please wait until all the needed information has been gathered...

Current system configuration is:

Hostname:             linux-zhb
Username:             root
System Host ID:       000d619dee79
IP Address: 
Date:                 Tue Aug 18 18:52:59 2009
Processor:            Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz
Number of CPUs:       2
Linux Distribution:   openSUSE 10.3 (i586)
Physical Memory:      1519 MB
Virtual Memory:       111 MB
Graphics Card:        ATI Technologies Inc RV280 [Radeon 9200 SE] rev 1
X11 Version:          Unable to determine X11 Version.
OpenGL Version:       7.0.1-18
X Server:
                      server glx version string: 1.2
                      client glx version string: 1.4
                      OpenGL version string: 1.4 (2.1 Mesa 7.0.1)
                      glu version: 1.3

Disk Space:
文件系统               1K-块        已用     可用 已用% 挂载点
/dev/sda2             20641788  11335912   8257236  58% /
udev                    778048       112    777936   1% /dev
/dev/sda1               101086     15504     80363  17% /boot
/dev/sda4             55961468   9395772  43722996  18% /home

System requirement status is:

Requirement:          SuSE 9.3, 10.0, 10.3 or 10.2, SuSE Enterprise Linux 9.0
                      or 10.0, SuSE Enterprise Desktop 10, Red Hat Enterprise
                      3.0, 4.0 or 5.0, or Fedora Core 6.0
Products:             All Abaqus Products
Status:               Pass - Found openSUSE 10.3 (i586)

Requirement:          GNU Lib C 2.3.2 or greater
Products:             All Abaqus Products
Status:               Pass - Found GNU Lib C 2.6.1, which was installed with

Requirement:          Linux Kernel 2.4.20 or newer
Products:             All Abaqus Products
Status:               Pass - Found Linux Kernel

Requirement:          GNU Compiler Suite 3.2 or later
Products:             Abaqus make utility with C++ and Abaqus make utility with
                      Fortran and Abaqus with user subroutines
Status:               Pass - Found gcc version 4.2.1

Requirement:          Intel C++ Compiler 11.1 or 10.1
Products:             Abaqus make utility with C++
Status:               Pass - Found Intel C++ Compiler 10.1 Build 20090615
                      Package ID l_cc_p_10.1.023.

Requirement:          Intel Fortran Compiler 11.1 or 10.1
Products:             Abaqus make utility with Fortran and Abaqus with user
Status:               Pass - Found Intel Fortran Compiler 11.1 Build 20090511
                      Package ID l_cprof_p_11.1.038.

Requirement:          HP-MPI
Products:             Abaqus analyses using MPI-based parallelization
Status:               Fail - Unable to locate a supported MPI implementation on
                      this system. For more information on the MPI-based
                      parallel functionality, see the section 'Parallel
                      processing modes in Abaqus' in the Abaqus Analysis User's

Requirement:          Mesa 4.3.0 or greater
Products:             Abaqus/CAE and Abaqus/Viewer
Status:               Pass - Found Mesa 7.0.1

Requirement:          X server must be configured to use OpenGL.
Products:             Abaqus/CAE and Abaqus/Viewer
Status:               Pass - X server is configured to use OpenGL.

Requirement:          Netscape 7.0, Mozilla 1.2, Firefox 1.0.1, or greater
Products:             Abaqus Documentation
Status:               Pass - Found Firefox

Not all requirement checks succeeded.


[ 本帖最后由 luckboy_zhb 于 2009-8-18 18:55 编辑 ]
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