A basic plotting function for implicit functions of exactly two variables.
Plots in the same way as implot.m (by Arthur Jutan), but extends the capabilities of implot.m to allow specification of one or more contourgroup properties: e.g. line width, line color, line style etc.
- function [lineHandle, lineData] = implot2(varargin)
- % IMPLOT2: Plots implicit functions.
- %
- % [H,DATA] = IMPLOT2(F,RANGE,N) plots an implicit function of exactly 2
- % variables (e.g 'x' and 'y', but any variables will work).
- % * F is a MATLAB inline function defined in form F(x,y)=0
- % * RANGE = [xmin xmax ymin ymax] is the range over which F is plotted
- % * N is no. of grid-points, per variable, in the discretisation used
- % to calculate the plot ==> total no. grid-points ~ N^2
- % * H is a handle to the plotted lineseries object; lineData is a
- % two-row matrix containing the plotted x and y data. Each contiguous
- % line segment is demarcated by a pair of NaN values.
- %
- % IMPLOT2(F), IMPLOT2(F,RANGE) plots as above, but using the default
- % values {RANGE}=[-2*pi,2*pi,-2*pi,2*pi] and {N}=100 (as applicable)
- %
- % IMPLOT2(...,S,'PropertyName1',PropertyValue1,...) plots as above, but
- % with parameter/value pairs specifying additional line properties, as
- % per syntax in PLOT.m. Type DOC LINESERIESPROPERTIES for more info.
- % S is an optional 1,2 or 3-element character string specifying line
- % color, marker and/or style, also as per PLOT.m syntax.
- %
- % Example -- plot [2*sin(y)=x], [x^2+y^2=4], [sin(x)*cos(y)=pi/30]:
- %
- % f=inline('2*sin(y)-x','x','y'); g=inline('x^2+y^2-4','x','y');
- % h=inline('sin(x)*cos(y)-pi/30','x','y');
- % rangexy = [-2 2 -2 2]; hold on;
- % implot2(f,'LineWidth',2,'Color',[0 0 1]);
- % implot2(g,rangexy,200,'g-','LineWidth',2);
- % [h,data] = implot2(h,'r:'); axis equal;
- %
- % --- AUTHOR: Vinesh Rajpaul (UCT)
- % --- VERSION: 16 May 2009
- %
- %% Specify default parameters
- ngrid=100; % default: 100*100 gridpoints
- rangexy=[-2*pi,2*pi,-2*pi,2*pi]; % default [x,y] range
- lineSpec ='k-'; % default linestyle
- %% Check number of input arguments; extract contourgroup properties
- for i=1:nargin
- if ischar(varargin{i})
- propertyIndex = i; % index of first line property
- break
- end
- end
- if exist('propertyIndex','var')
- properties = varargin(propertyIndex:nargin);
- if mod(length(properties),2)~=0
- lineSpec = properties{1}; % treat character string S separately
- properties(1)=[];
- end
- nargs = propertyIndex-1;
- else nargs = nargin;
- end
- if nargs < 1 || nargs >3
- error('MATLAB:implot:InvalidInput', ...
- '1 to 3 plotting arguments required. Type HELP IMPLOT2.')
- end
- switch nargs
- case 1; % only an inline function specified
- fun = varargin{1};
- case 2; % as for nargin==1, with range also specified
- [fun,rangexy] = deal(varargin{1:nargs});
- otherwise % as for nargin==2, with gridpoints also specified
- [fun,rangexy,ngrid]=deal(varargin{1:nargs});
- end
- %% Set up mesh grid; do plotting
- xGrid=linspace(rangexy(1),rangexy(2),ngrid);
- yGrid=linspace(rangexy(3),rangexy(4),ngrid);
- [x,y]=meshgrid(xGrid,yGrid);
- fvector=vectorize(fun); % vectorize the inline function
- fvalues=feval(fvector,x,y);
- cMatrix = contourc(xGrid,yGrid,fvalues,[0,0]);
- variables = symvar(fun); % extract variables from inline function
- lineData = separateLines(cMatrix); % separate contiguous lines
- lineHandle = plot(lineData(1,:),lineData(2,:),lineSpec);
- xlabel(variables(1)); ylabel(variables(2)); box on;
- if exist('properties','var') % apply all specified line properties
- nProps = length(properties);
- set(lineHandle,properties(1:2:nProps),properties(2:2:nProps));
- end
- end
- %% Demarcate contiguous line segments by NaN tokens
- % (Mainly to facilitate plotting of noncontiguous segments via PLOT.m)
- function lineData = separateLines(cMatrix)
- lineData = cMatrix;
- index = 1; % index of line segment demarcation
- while index<length(lineData)
- numPoints = round(lineData(2,index)); % no. datapoints in line
- lineData(:,index)= NaN; % demarcate each contiguous line by NaN
- index = index + numPoints +1; % advance to next token
- end
- end
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