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昨天在中文看到这个 http://www_ilovematlab_cn/viewthread.php?tid=55785&page=1#pid521066 (最近那个点打, 都说不良讯息, why? 所以以下画线地替代)
刚好个人许久前也曾写过! 想想贴在那边为何不贴常到的地方
整理下, 有需要可以参考!
*** 许久前写的, 不知是否还适用? ***
*** 个人程式时常互有呼叫, 不知是否修好没? 有问题请告知 ***- function varargout = LinkF06(varargin)
- % LinkF06 - Read the normal data from NASTRAN output file *.f06.
- %
- % [GM,FreqW,ModeS] = LinkF06(FileF06,FileAset,NMode)
- %
- % FileF06 : filename of NASTRAN output file (*.f06)
- % FileAset : filename include Aset grid ID / Aset direction
- % NMode : no of used mode (default : all)
- %
- % GM : generalized mass matrix (M, NMode*1)
- % FreqW : frequency (Radian, NMode*1)
- % ModeS : normal mode shape (NAset*NMode)
- %
- % *** input/output is optinal select
- % Ckeck the input & output property
- PreS = [blanks(10),'*** Error : ']; EndS = ' ! <== LinkF06 ***';
- PreW = [blanks(5),'*** Warning : '];
- if nargin > 3, error([PreS,'No more 3 input arguments',EndS]); end
- if nargin < 2, error([PreS,'At least 2 input arguments',EndS]); end
- if nargout > 3, error([PreS,'No more 3 output arguments',EndS]); end
- FileF06 = varargin{1};
- if ~ischar(FileF06), error([PreS,'Wrong input arguments (not char)',EndS]); end
- fid = fopen(FileF06,'rt');
- if fid == -1, error([PreS,'Can not open the file - ',FileF06,EndS]); end
- fclose(fid);
- FileAset = varargin{2};
- if ~ischar(FileAset), error([PreS,'Wrong input arguments (not char)',EndS]); end
- fid = fopen(FileAset,'rt');
- if fid == -1, error([PreS,'Can not open the file - ',FileAset,EndS]); end
- fclose(fid);
- NMode=[];
- if nargin >= 3, NMode = varargin{3}; if ~isempty(NMode)
- if ~isInteger(NMode), error([PreS,'Wrong used mode no (not integer)',EndS]); end
- if NMode <= 0 , error([PreS,'Wrong used mode no (not positive)',EndS]); end
- end; end
- % *** Begin the reading/sorting process ***
- % read the ASET data want to sort the normal data
- fid = fopen(FileAset,'rt'); frewind(fid); fgetl(fid); % read title
- Aset = fscanf(fid,'%i',[2,inf]); fclose(fid);
- Aset = Aset'; Aset = sortrows(Aset,[1,2]); NAset = size(Aset,1);
- for k=2:NAset, if Aset(k,1)==Aset(k-1,1), if Aset(k,2)==Aset(k-1,2)
- error([PreS,'Wrong input file - ',FileAset,' (repeat ASET)',EndS]); end; end; end
- if ~isempty(find( Aset(:,2)<1 | Aset(:,2)>6, 1 ))
- error([PreS,'Wrong direction - ',FileAset,EndS]); end
- % read the normal data from NASTRAN output file
- if ~isempty(NMode), NModeF = NMode; else NModeF = 300; end % max default = 300
- EigenV = zeros(NModeF,1); FreqW = zeros(NModeF,1); GM = zeros(NModeF,1);
- fid = fopen(FileF06,'rt'); frewind(fid);
- % read the eigen matrix ( EigenV / FreqW / GM )
- while ~feof(fid), ChkStr = fscanf(fid,'%s',1);
- if strcmp(ChkStr,'MODE'), ChkStr = fscanf(fid,'%s',2); ChkStr = fscanf(fid,'%s',1);
- if strcmp(ChkStr,'RADIANS'), ChkStr = fscanf(fid,'%s',1);
- if strcmp(ChkStr,'CYCLES'), fgetl(fid); k=1;
- while k<=NModeF, ChkStr = fscanf(fid,'%s',1); ModeNo = str2num(ChkStr);
- if isInteger(ModeNo), if ModeNo==k, Mx = fscanf(fid,'%f',[1,6]);
- if Mx(5)~=0, EigenV(k) = Mx(2); FreqW(k) = Mx(3); GM(k) = Mx(5); k= k+1;
- else if ~isempty(NMode), if k-1 < NMode,
- disp([PreW,'Mode no in F06 is not enough',EndS]); end; end
- break; end
- end; end; fgetl(fid);
- end; NMode = k-1; break
- end; end; end; fgetl(fid);
- end
- EigenV = EigenV(1:NMode); FreqW = FreqW(1:NMode); GM = GM(1:NMode);
- % read the Normal Mode matrix ( NAset*NMode )
- ModeS = zeros(NAset,NMode);
- for iMode=1:NMode, while ~feof(fid), ChkStr = fscanf(fid,'%s',1);
- if strcmp(ChkStr,'EIGENVALUE'), ChkStr = fscanf(fid,'%s',1);
- ChkStr = fscanf(fid,'%s',1); EigenR = str2num(ChkStr);
- if EigenR==EigenV(iMode), fgetl(fid); ChkStr = fscanf(fid,'%s',1);
- if strcmp(ChkStr, 'CYCLES'), ChkStr = fscanf(fid,'%65c',1); % bypass 65 blanks
- ChkStr = fscanf(fid,'%s',1); ModeNo = str2num(ChkStr);
- if ModeNo==iMode, fgetl(fid); k=1;
- while k<=NAset, ChkStr = fscanf(fid,'%s',1); AsetID = str2num(ChkStr);
- if isInteger(AsetID)
- if AsetID==Aset(k,1), ChkStr = fscanf(fid,'%s',1);
- Mx = fscanf(fid,'%f',[1,6]); ModeS(k,iMode) = Mx(Aset(k,2)); k=k+1;
- if k>NAset, break; end
- while AsetID==Aset(k,1), ModeS(k,iMode) = Mx(Aset(k,2)); k=k+1;
- if k>NAset, break; end; end
- elseif AsetID > Aset(k,1),
- error([PreS,'Can not find ASET ID - ',num2str(Aset(k,1)),EndS]); end
- elseif strcmp(ChkStr,'EIGENVALUE')
- ChkStr = fscanf(fid,'%s',1); EigenR = fscanf(fid,'%f',1);
- if EigenR~=EigenV(iMode)
- error([PreS,'Can not find ASET ID - ',num2str(Aset(k,1)),EndS]); end
- end; fgetl(fid);
- end; break
- end; end; end; end; fgetl(fid);
- end; end
- % output arguments definition
- if nargout >= 1,varargout{1} = GM;
- if nargout >= 2, varargout{2} = FreqW;
- if nargout >= 3, varargout{3} = ModeS; end;
- end;
- end
- beep; disp([blanks(5),'*** Function is complete',EndS]);
- return
[ 本帖最后由 ChaChing 于 2009-11-7 23:33 编辑 ] |