问题已解决。需要设定场点,但是不进行Process Field Points求解。
Field points for which the acoustic frequency response should be determined using
an ATV−based response analysis can be defined using the Geometry, Field Point
dialog, in a way identical to a “conventional BEM”response analysis. However,
unlike a “conventional” response analysis, an ATV−based response analysis:
1. requires the definition of field points prior to computing the ATVs, as both
ATVs and Modal ATVs depend on the field point locations
2. does not require the Analysis, Process Field Points... step to obtain the
field point pressure responses
As the pressure responses are obtained in a collection of field point locations by
a simple matrix multiplication, no information is available on the acoustic radiated
power emitted by the vibrating structure. In addition, unlike is the case in a
conventional BEM response analysis, it is impossible to obtain the “Power radiated
through the Field Point Mesh”by executing a Field Point Post−processing
computation. For this purpose, the concept of the “ISO” field point mesh should
be used.
并且在计算过程中发现,compute之后进行一次slove,然后再改变parameters,计算contribution,就不再出现先前发现的错误了 |