下面的程序仅作参考- % This function solves linear fractional-order differential equation (fode)
- % with constant coefficients of the form:
- %
- % n/v (n-1)/v 1/v
- % c1(1)*D y(t)+c1(2)*D y(t)+...+c1(n)*D y(t)+c1(n+1)*y(t) =
- %
- % m/v (m-1)/v 1/v
- % c2(1)*D r(t)+c2(2)*D r(t)+...+c2(m)*D r(t)+c2(m+1)*r(t)
- %
- %
- % Inputs:
- %
- % v : common denominator
- % c1 : vector of output coefficients (1x(n+1))
- % c2 : vector of input coefficients (1x(m+1))
- % r : samples of the input signal r(t)
- % h : sampling period
- %
- % Outputs:
- % y : vector of output samples
- % t : time vector (corresponding to y)
- %
- % Author: Farshad Merrikh Bayat ([email]fbayat@ee.sharif.edu[/email])
- % URL: http:// ee.sharif.edu/~fbayat/
- %
- % Note: this function calls the function "fderiv.m" which is also
- % downloadable from MathWorks-File Exchange. The parameter "h" can
- % easily be tuned; it must be as small as approximate the input signal
- % r(t). The short memory principle has not neen used here, so the
- % length of input signal is limited to few hundred samples.
- %
- % Copyright (c), 2007.
- %
- function [t,y] = fode2(v,c1,c2,r,h)
- n = length(c1)-1;
- % r = k*ones(1,100); % if the input signal is unit step
- temp1 = zeros(size(r));
- for i=1:length(c2)
- r_new = fderiv((length(c2)-i)/v,r,h);
- temp1 = temp1+c2(i)*r_new;
- end
- r = temp1;
- t = [0:1:length(r)-1]*h;
- y = zeros(1,length(r));
- temp = zeros(1,n);
- a = 0;
- for i=1:length(c1)
- a = a+c1(i)/h^((n-i+1)/v);
- end
- for i=1:length(r)
- for k=n:-1:1
- for j=1:i-1
- temp(n-k+1) = temp(n-k+1)+(-1)^j*gamma(k/v+1)*y(i-j)/(gamma(j+1)*gamma(k/v-j+1));
- end
- temp(n-k+1) = -c1(n-k+1)*temp(n-k+1)/h^(k/v);
- end
- y(i) = (sum(temp)+r(i))/a;
- temp = zeros(1,n);
- end
- y = [0 y(1:length(y)-1)];
- %plot(t,y)