我是在fluent主界面输入命令:grid mod check,然后回车,得到periodic zone[()],我再输入3,回车,shadow zonezone[()],我再输入10,回车,得到Rottional periodic?(if no,translational)[yes],然后回车,得到Create periodic zones?[yes],然后回车,得到zone 3;matched 0 out of 10854 faces. zone 10:matched 0 out of 10854 faces. Error: Failed to make zones periodic.ERROE:object:#f.请教各位了,着急啊!!!
您好!我最近也在使用periodic的边界条件,在设置时出现:error:periodic boundary entity periodic is not specified correctly. the two periodic entities must be link mashed and specified on the same boundary的提示,然后我就尝试在划分网格之前对两个要设置periodic边界条件的面先进行hard link
结果又出现错误提示error:there must be one edge specified for each face loop,想请您指点下